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my rb25det 280z's first run at the track


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Well i got to run her today along with jitter and a few other buddies up at the ubly dragway. It was a long morning trying to swap out the diff and find some tires that would fit the z. I bought one good 225-50-16 from a local shop and i thought my other one was good, well it wasnt. I turned the tire and saw where it had been dug into and belts were showing. I had a buddy with some old tires under his house and he said i could have em, They were 225-60-16's and they barely fit on the car. On to the runnin ;) my first pass of the day was at 11psi(as low as my wastegate will let it run) and i got a 13.5@105.8mph i then tried again cuz my first 60 foot was like a 2.1. Second run yeilded about the same bout a 13.7@104mph launch sucked and i had no traction(didn't burn out long enough) so tried a third time burning out alot and rolling up thru the soft rubber. I got a great launch with a 1.8 60 foot and then the BOV blew out of my tb!!!!!! So i only managed a 14.X@7Xmph.

Tried it again after pounding the flange back in and glueing it with some handy dandy glue jitter had in his car and then taking black tape and wrapping it around the whole thing :) . Went back out for another run and blew the ic pipe off!!! i'm starting to think that i was ment to be back at home :) So i put the pipe back in and tighten the t bolt clamps good and try again blew the ic pipe off again!!! By this time i am getting mad and then tighten every clamp more than they should be to hold them on. I figured screw it i'm gonna run all out this time and boosted it up to 20psi. So i do my long smoky burnout launch the car and manage a 1.9 60 foot. It's hooking good then comes second the car's rear end jumps to the driver's side, i correct to keep me out of the gaurd rail and keep on going with the tires spinning still. Hit third get a chirp and just before the 1/8th mark i feel the car fall on it's face and watch the boost slowly go down to 8psi and hold there till i let off meanwhile i hear a ton of air runing out from under the hood.......yep the bov again. The funny part is the tape held the bov from popping out so it slowly lost boost instead of just all at once. I must say that that turbo must really be moving some air if it can still boost 8psi with a 1" hole in the ic piping :) so i managed a 12.6@111mph. The car has a ton of potential and i am impressed the cheapo xtd clutch held up it didn't slip once even when i was majorly slipping the clutch to get good traction. The car was sliding around everytime i hit second with either 11psi or 20psi.

here is the link to one of the vids i think this is one of the first ones and i think u can hear the bov pop out. it's kinda a big file(11.5mb) I have some of jitter too but i'll let him post em ;)http://album.hybridz.org/showphoto.php?photo=16831&cat=500&ppuser=8085


we are going back and i will be prepared ;) i'm going to thread in the bov this time and make a new flange for it.

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Scottie .....frustrating I know! but wow a 12.6 considering you were only making less than half the set boost level is extremely impressive.


On your intercooler pipes do you have a donkey dick welded on the ends to give something for your couplings to grab to and the clamps to be secured to?


Keep it up and let us know how things go the next time you run.



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no they are just cut off, the weird thing is they have held fine until now. I have put a ton of miles on it and the bov pops out now and the ic tubes pop out now. All the clamps were loose so i am guessing with all the heat and cold they loosened up a bit.

I too am impressed with it doing a 12.6 with less than half the boost pressure for the last half of the track. Yasin could you see the vid? i just want to make sure it works for everyone.

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lol very good idea evan, and drifter i told him to stuff it basically, i went there as a recommendation from a buddy with a real GTR and they have been total jerks. I posted about the starter i found that works on the rb's and linked them to here for jitters work with the slave cylinders thinking they could use it and got no repsonses posted about running the z and he dogs on me for taping the bov back in to get home. here is the link it's a copy of this topic so you dont have to read the first post http://forums2.freshalloy.com/showthread.php?p=1487991#post1487991

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For what it's worth, Exvitermini's GT-700 doesnt run wastegates. Not running a BOV is something I know nothing about.


Couldn't see why someone who makes "big boy" boost couldn't be able to sign a "big boy" cheque and fork out for a BOV that was perhaps designed and used in a professional race series, such as Indy from the 80's?


I'm sure those BOV's, if any, are engineered precisely enough to handle lap after lap. heck, with 75 HP per cubic inch, and a lot of pressure to back that up, I'm sure there's a BOV that can take anything we have to throw at it in that neck of the woods.


Besides, had he been realistic in his comments, he would have known that your car isn't exactly the fastest and end-all or be-all of RB's, so a BOV is something I wouldn't just throw in the trash. It makes sense in your application.

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ya, he coulda approached the situation better. I have had that bov for about 5 years now and this is the first time it has given me any problems. They were caused by me not making sure the bov flange was mounted properly. Its ok tho i will make sure it wont happen again :) My goal for this year is 11's

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Good runs Scotty, We need to do it again before it gets too cold. I would like to get my 60' times down a little further also. I cant beleieve some of the posters on fresh alloy. I am glad that we have this community, and a real plethora of great information.


Triple B come on out to the next Ubly day we have. I was trying to get a few people to go from the michigan nissans forums, but most were hung over.

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yea it woulda been better if the bov woulda stayed in :D oh well and yea you know i figured that alloys woulda been alot better from what mike said. You know i have no problem with people not running bovs but it's just not my preferance. I'm game anytime you think you wanna go again and when it's good for everyone else.

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Good runs Scotty, We need to do it again before it gets too cold. I would like to get my 60' times down a little further also. I cant beleieve some of the posters on fresh alloy. I am glad that we have this community, and a real plethora of great information.


Triple B come on out to the next Ubly day we have. I was trying to get a few people to go from the michigan nissans forums, but most were hung over.




lemme know and i will try and make it out

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