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Car shutdown instantly... (need help)


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Excellent! That is exactly what I need to do to my car to repair what sidelined it three years ago.. unfortunately, it needs alot more than that (or I never would have let it get sidelined)


For the headlights, I am going to pull direct from the battery and relay/fuse it with a toggle switch to control it. Not sure but I think I'll need a 3-way switch to deal with LO/HI beam situation...


In all reality, there is a good chance that replacing all the wiring, and installing a new relay, will "revive" an otherwise broken headlight combo switch. The switches only need to a connection to break down a little bit, at one point, and they start getting a little questionable when they carry as much current as they do in stock configuration. With properly installed relays, the load placed on the switch is much lower, and as a result you may be able to avoid needing a toggle switch. Just thought I would mention that.


Good luck, sounds like you understand what you're working with.

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Bah, I am hoping to eliminate everything off of the steering column. Eventually I am looking at replacing the column with an aftermarket one that is both lighter and perhaps a bit adjustable.

You see, I have issues with fitment in this little guy. I am 6'1". While many have no issues, I have an 8-point cage in the car. I have an aluminum drag seat installed as far back and low as possible and I still have issues between hitting my knees on the steering column and leaning my head over to the left and grazing the cage. I know THAT is not a good thing, but I am doing the other things that I know I want to install first that might help before I cut out the cage to redo it with a cage that sits closer to the perimeter.

I want to end up with a custom aluminum sheet metal dash, aftermarket gauges and toggles. It's lighter and I don't have to worry about OE switchery/trickery and whatnot.

I think the headlights are actually pretty strong now for what they are so I don't suspect the switching. I just am going a different way with the car. I will let someone else use the switching that wants a more OE look. I will probably do the HID thing once I get there. For now, suspension brakes and electrical is my focus to get ready for megasquirt and turbo.

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