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Losing the mice battle


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leave their dead corpses lying around the shed as a warning to others from entering.


I tried it once with mormans, and Mr Po-po-50 came knocking on my door.


as a side thought. the other thing you could try is building a moat around your shed. would need to be at least 2 foot wide though, and about a foot deep. Fill it with water, and keep leaf and crud build up out of it.

line the shed side with a slippery surface, even just laminated plastic sheet would do, they cant climb it.

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Here is the score for the main garage mouse war.


Trap on the garage floor:

10 mice + 1 tail (he chewed his tail off to get away!)


Trap in the Z passenger floor: ( I left the hatch and windows open for them to enter at their own risk )

3 mice.

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... your Z sure atracts them!!


Yes, the mice have very good taste apparently.


I think a plastic car bag could work. Cloth would be a no no since they might shred it to make a nest. Plastic doesn't taste like anything or smell like anything, so I'm not sure they would chew it. A plastic car bag covered in the oil from jalapeno pepper skin would probably do wonders in keeping the bastards at bay.



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Mice will chew anything that they want. I have seen nests made from all kinds of things that would make a mule puke. My KX250 filter was the last thing I saw them in. It was the foam filter with oil in it and they made the nest out of it. Yuck!

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I know there were mice living in both my shed and my detached garage. The Z gets stored in the shed long term. I brought the Z down to the detached garage for a clean up and de-mousing. I don't know how many were in the Z or where they came from. They will all die. Eventually I will have all locations clean and mouse proofed as much as possible. I am sick of them. Score updated.


I took the Z for a ride tonight and no mice jumped out at me. I actually taped the traps into place because the mice were dragging them around and I had to search for them!

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  • 1 month later...

Annnnywaaay, here is an update on MouseWars 2008. I have nailed roughly 40-45 mice since I began the battle. The traps have sat mouse free for about a month now which tells me I am in the lead. I have two traps in my basement, two in my garage, two in the Z storage shed, and one inside the Z. I pulled five critters out of the Z so far.


Since the weather was nice this weekend, I took the opportunity to shake out the Z and super-seal the shed. I locked myself in the shed after taking everything out of it and looked for light penetration. Then I cut blocks of wood and nailed them over all of the openings that showed any amount of light. I found some large gaps that are now tight. I also put a metal screen over the fresh air intakes on the Z so that the mice can't travel into the HVAC system.


For now. I have won the war.

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