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NE Patriots RULE


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I wouldn't assume the Cowboys will be in the SuperBowl!!!!

The Packers look real good this year and the Bucks and SeaHawks aren't totally without talent.


I'd personally like to see a show down between Brady and Favre (and I'm a big SeaHawks fan), then Brett can finally retire.



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I must admit that the best players on the Patriots payroll are the ones wearing the officiating uniforms. Last nights game combined with all the B.S. in Baltimore shows just how preferential the league can be. The Pats are good, no doubt, but they are given ALL of the calls and have been for the last couple of years. I freely admit as a Chargers fan I'm still pissed about last years no call on the Pats at the end of the game that ended up giving the Pats the win. But I look forward to seeing how "great" they are now that they will have to face two AFC playoff teams. Personally I think Jacksonville will tear them apart after they roll through Pittsburg. And if they manage to eek through that game, my Chargers will most likely be waiting for them. And I'd love nothing more than to see that. It may seem like wishful thinking, but look at this; The Pats are the oldest team in the league. Their stadium is open to the elements and they have a questionable running game. If another team, or the elements, can minimize the aerial game the Pats become very beatable. And as long as the ref's don't screw it up too bad I think any of the AFC playoff teams, except Pitt, can beat them.



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Guest TeamNissan

I agree Akwikz, last night was a perfect example of pats receiving bs call after call, its amazing. NY just couldn't stop their passing game on top of that. I mean the exact same hail mary 40 yard pass in a row and both times ZERO coverage. When there was coverage(which was rare)? BS pass interference calls.


All said and done though last night was a fantastic game. Its a shame ny can't seem to stop self destructing in the 4th every damn time lol.

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Ref's make good and bad calls in every game for and against every team. Its easy to blame the officiating for the Pat's success but your just kidding yourself if you truely believe it. As far as zero coverage on Moss, they tried, he was doubleteamed the whole season but when your as fast as he is, its not an easy task And on those two passes, he just flat out blew his opponent away with speed.

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Guest TeamNissan

Your responding to things not stated. No one is blaming their success on the refs calls but if you believe last nights calls weren't one sided "your kidding yourself". No one said Moss wasn't covered either. He is fast thats a fact but when the defender trips over his own feet I think we can lay a little blame there and not entirely on moss. The 2nd time was not ONLY his speed but the giants once again failing to call the proper defense. I mean if they can't cover Moss then they cant give Brady so much damn time to pass. They did do a good job overall though on that aspect, They had pressure on him MOST of the game, just not those 2 plays lol.


W/e though it was a great game considering the game didn't mean jack. NY is still in the play offs for the 3rd year in a row and pats are still undefeated.



Ref's make good and bad calls in every game for and against every team. Its easy to blame the officiating for the Pat's success but your just kidding yourself if you truely believe it. As far as zero coverage on Moss, they tried, he was doubleteamed the whole season but when your as fast as he is, its not an easy task And on those two passes, he just flat out blew his opponent away with speed.
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