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ZF Racing Going out of Business..

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Guys, The day has come to hang up the hat and call it quits. I started this little venture primarely out of a promise made by someone else. However, the last two years have found me spending zero time on my own projects and lots of time making control arms. I've moved 24 sets of rears, and soon to be 38 sets of fronts. It is a time consuming process.


Anyway, John Williams and John Coffee are looking at making a run of the rear arms for me. However, I need to know how many of you will want them. When these are gone, That is it. I'm done, finished, turn out the lights, Elvis has left the building.


So if you had planned to get a pair, you might want to shuffle your wish list prioreties and put these at the top.


I have three sets accounted for, but beyond that there are no others interested in the arms. Speak now or forever hold your peace...


IT's been fun guys, but if I don't stop now, I'll never get my own car back together... I might, MIGHT start something back up next year, but for now I need to focus on the house, and my own car projects!



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Mike-sorry to see it have to go, but you gotta have your own priorities.

Let me know when you want the site changed to reflect the shutdown, and I'll just put a placeholder up in case you ever want to try it again (if you're gonna keep the webspace that is)


Good luck in your endeavors,


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Jim, I have a few to get out, but effectively the site can be shut down. I plan to make you a set of front arms for your efforts. I'll probably keep the site intact and maybe use a folder in it to store some images... I'll contact you offline.



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Ross, As I mentioned in my e-mail back to you, if you can make a better mouse trap, or as good a mouse trap for the money, go for it. I support all your efforts. You sell good products and I have every confidence that you and your sources could make a comperable product... I'd recommend something that is on car adjustable, as the customers have spoken with me about...


Good luck!


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Guest Anonymous

Maybe you could use your website to post pictures of your projects as you progress along on them. It's basically aready set up and I'm sure everyone would want to see your craftmanship in action.

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From, "I'll look at the control arms if John Williams gets them back from the Sandrail guy..." to John and John going into a business venture. It just seemed to me that Mike needed a little help to meet some commitments. Again, I'll look at the control arms and see if I can fab up a few sets for a reasonable price.


Right now I've got 5 guys waiting for roll cages, 846 tools to weld up, and some guy wanting me to make him a second 235" wheelbase sand dragster - and my new shop just got wired for 3 phase 240 yesterday.

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Originally posted by Mikelly:

Ross, .... I support all your efforts. You sell good products and I have every confidence that you and your sources could make a comperable product... I'd recommend something that is on car adjustable, as the customers have spoken with me about...

Good luck!


Thanks for the endorsement Mike! Brainstorming sessions already underway, I've initiated a new thread for additional input/ideers! The new product line will be released in short order ;) once we're satisfied we've covered all bases smile.gif
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Mike, just a quick note to say I'm sad to see you /ZFRS step out of the retail end. However I'm somewhat envious of the time you'll make available for your own car and other pursuits which I can totally understand. I know I don't have as much leisure time as I’d like and can really associate with what you’re relaying to us and appreciate your honesty.


I've been quite interested in doing some suspension parts but have long respected your efforts and interests with hybridz so have stayed clear of 'most' suspension ideas I've had (I’ve done coilovers and non-conflicting 28ZX parts etc). You and I did talk ~ 1 yr ago about the possibility of myself making control arms etc if you stepped to another pursuit ( I think it was fiberglass at the time). I'm still quite interested and have some strong contacts in manufacturing for items such as the control arms. Additional suspension items would be an excellent natural progression for my Modern Motorsports Ltd. business. I’ve invested extensives energy, time, and money into the engineering progression/R&D for my brake setups (new Xtreme 13 inch 2 piece setups out and proven, email me if anyone is in need/not yet on website) and other products. I have had some interests from present customers for rear control arms different from those presently available and would enjoy putting in my own typical engineering effort with my ideas and those of others (including those of a recent thread) for my own unique MML designs. To date I've just deferred that interest and stayed committed to brakes. Is John and John initiating a new venture/or just using your jigs to make a few sets to fulfill prior commitments or...........


Anyhow, just wanted to post a reply similar to the email I sent you and to pass on my best wishes for you (and envy) towards your other interests:)


Keep the shiny side up Mike!

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...I want to echo what John Coffee posted... He asked to take a look at the arm and see if he could assist in making a few sets... That was it. He offered this up BEFORE I decided to bail out of the control arm market. I do NOT want to imply that John has gone into the business of fabing up custom parts... I can attest to the time that this project can rapidly eat away.


John Williams currently has the arm and has another guy looking at it. My game plan is to get a few sets made for those who have expressed interest, and then for me to be done with this whole affair for a while. I will likely get back into the game of making parts of sometime for some type of vehicle. It will most likely NOT be for the Zcar.


John C. sorry for the confusion and I certainly didn't mean to imply the above...


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