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Need help installing Formica countertops...


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Maby my spelling sucks,,, those blinds that have the slats that are vinal, with string that holds them together. Cheap as all get out that youve seen a billion times. Maby even in your house. Just tear them down and cut them apart.

You put them all down on the suface, w/ glue (on the ply surface, not the slats and your hands) and put the formica over them with glue on the back side of formica, not the slats and dog you had to push away, and pull one slat away at a time till you get to you cat and then you are on your own!!



When laying there, It will only have a 1/8 clearence between surfaces, and you can fully alingn it, glue, cat, dog and all:)

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Well it's all done. Ended up going to Lowes and they didn't have the rounded corner bit, just the beveled one. So I used my 1/8" radius bit. The bit didn't really leave the corner super smooth, so I broke out the sandpaper and the sanding block, started with 80 and then switched to 240. Cutting the larger radius did indeed leave more of the brown part of the formica exposed, but it almost looks like a pin stripe to me and when I varnished the front piece it really made the brown stripe dark and shiny. Varnish really helped that front trim piece too. Before the varnish it didn't have much grain or color differentiation at all. I think it turned out really nice.


The seam on the top came out TIGHT, and then I wiped a bit of almond colored caulk (same stuff I used to seal the formica to the wall) into the seam and it damn near disappeared. I'm very happy with the way it all came out. Thank you everyone who offered advice. I now have one more skill in my bag of tricks.


Carpet is coming in a couple weeks for anyone wondering what is up with the floor. It had Pergo before and the adjoining room is our TV room, so it was driving me nuts with the echo and plus the dog walking around sounded like she had little tap shoes on her paws. Carpet will be much nicer. I have the toe plate for the bottom of the cabinets, but I think I'm going to hold off on installing it until the carpet is in.











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abinet man for forty two yrs . put your plywood down first , then glue on plywood, then glue on formica.after all has ben fitted use pieases of pvc pipe to line it all up.spred pvc pipe apart to keep from sticking together ,line it all up ,pull pipe out one at at a time ,sticking as you go. the knoseing or lip of top needs to be on first .put formica on lip route flush then sand the top .filling all holes with bondo works good,flush bit with vasline to keep from burning formica. a small file will get sharp edge zcars4

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