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My obsession with these Z cars is killing me


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What's up beardman (aka josh)? Yeah, we've had some things happen in these last few weeks, realized we've had some communication issues, and we agreed to have at least night each weekend where we go out and do whatever - cruise through the hills, watch a movie, play laser tag...just something out of the apartment. Plus, she's really excited I just bought this:




I think she's more anxious for me to install it than I am. We'll see...


Anyways, your wife sounds pretty cool - you should bring her to the next meet.

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A little late in the game but....


I'm in the same boat as you, been with the same girl since I was 17(now 25). We have been through some ups and downs over the last 8+ years that's for sure. The car was an issue for a while when I started the swap back in 2002. I would spend all weekend out in the garage and she would sit on the steps in the garage reading. I though she didn't mind but she did. She would have rather gone out to dinner or watched a movie with me. Just spending time in the garage with me didn't count as spending time with me because I was so preoccupied with the car that we didn't really talk much. If your going to have her out in the garage with you that's great but talk to her and not about the cars!


My girlfriend knows that I would never sell my Z just to make some money because it means too much to me for many reasons. If I had to sell it to pay for hospital bills for her I would do it in a heart beat. She means more to me than any car ever will. That's how you have to think about her...is she worth more to you than a car? If not then let her go, its not fair to her.



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I bought my 240 project at a yard sale for 250 bucks when my son was 1 year, I thought it would be neat to build it for him and figured 16 years would be just about enough time. My wife didn't understand, so my z waited for me -- patiently.

My marriage failed a few years later and while it sat in disrepair my car never complained once.

I went to work in Europe for a few years and continued to neglect the car and still the car never complained.

Several more years after I came home a new girlfriend/fiance became more important so the car waited again - not a peep.

Feb. 2003 my fiance and I broke up for good. It was a really tough time for me.

On Valentines Day 2003 my son and I started a relationship with the one girl who had been there waiting the whole time. She wasn't much to look at but she had a lot of character and I new she loved me because after seven years of neglect she started right up with a set of jumper cables.


I was in love again and it felt great! Over the next 4 years I gave her a new heart, new eyes a complete new body, reshaped her hips, bought her some new shoes and a coat and shaved her butt. (lol, this is getting hard to keep up.) She's now the prettiest girl on the block and my son (now 11) loves her as much as I do, Now he cant wait to turn 16 so he can play with her too. I might get jealous but a deal is a deal.

My relationships were doomed anyways, God I'm glad I never sold my car, It gave me the therapy I needed and brought me a lot closer to my son and now that it's done, I'm making a lot of friends in z car land and ----------------all the pretty girls want to ride with me. ------------------ (OK maybe the last part is a bit of a stretch)

John Papasergia (new40z)

lololololololololol man you made me change my mind about staying out of the garage, but on a serious note there has to be a balance if you are in a relationship and its even better when you find a women that shares your passion for cars, I once had a girlfriend that loved driving and working on my zcars, but thats very rare.
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