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I am a LEXX fan and I just found the first season for a decent price. But it is PAL. I dont believe my DVD player (Pioneer DV440) is PAL compatible and Im not sure if my Toshiba 34HF81 is. I have read it has built in conversion but the manual makes no mention of this feature.


What else can I do to convert the signal....I REALLY NEED the first seson.:P


Just in case......does anyone have the first season they want to part with?

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Generally the player will be able to play either format as long as it is region free, it's the TV that will screw you. I think the player you mentioned has a button on the remote that says NTSC and PAL that will switch the format to whatever your TV accepts or it may be an automatic detection type of deal that will switch it automatically.

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Mario, can NERO do that?


Nope my converter does not...but it is all region compatible. I will check the DVD menu screens to see if there is something there.


I just found this as well http://cgi.ebay.com/TV-PAL-to-NTSC-Video-System-Converter-for-PS2-3-Wii-V33_W0QQitemZ160204480804QQihZ006QQcategoryZ73390QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

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I am a LEXX fan and I just found the first season for a decent price. But it is PAL. I dont believe my DVD player (Pioneer DV440) is PAL compatible and Im not sure if my Toshiba 34HF81 is. I have read it has built in conversion but the manual makes no mention of this feature.


Target has a cheap philips dvp5140 player that is can be made region free. It will play NTSC, PAL, avi files, and a number of other things. $40 was what I paid on sale.


I watch WRC videos on it all the time from the UK.



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The Helios H2000 and the H4000 will do it. I have the H4000 because I needed the component output for my projector. http://www.helios-labs.com/us/products/hline/index_hline.shtml


BTW, if you have an HD TV the Helios DVD player makes for an awesome upconverting upgrade. The OPPO sometimes gets higher marks in some reviews but doesn't have all the outputs that the Helios has.

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