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Wanna hear something funny?


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This happened at work yesterday. I am a contractor with Cox here in Phoenix. My company has about 20 employees here. Anyhow, we work all over the Phoenix area. So yesterday morning a co-worker Dave asked if I might be anywhere near a job he did the day before. I checked my route and found I would in fact be less than a couple of miles from there. He then tells me that he left a ladder at that job and asked if I would try to get it for him. No problem, right? Well, Dave then informs me that he left that job because the customer became verbally abusive with him. Okay.


So, at about 2 p.m. I pull up to the house. I call Dave and he verifies that he left the ladder in the car port. I don't see any ladder there.


"Oh well. The guy probably took it. I doubt he's going to give it to you. Thanks anyway." Dave says.


"Well, since I'm here it can't hurt to ask. I'll call you right back" was my response.


I go to the door and the customer answers. His two sons are right behind him, probably 6 and 10. So I introduce myself;


"Hi sir, I'm Brian with Cox Comm. I had a technician here yesterday that may have left a green 6 foot ladder behind by accident."


The guy replies without any hesitation;

"Nope. No ladder, nothing like that."


"Really? Are you sure? He was a bearded gentleman with glasses. He would have used the ladder to get in the attic entry in the car port."


The guy starts to get short with me and says;


"I told you, there ......"


At this point comes the good part. He is cut off by the younger son who says;


"Yeah Dad. The green ladder you told us to put in the shed."


The guy tries to stop him by saying;


"That was a different one."


"No Dad. Remember, you said to go put it away right after the guy left"


Obviously pissed off, the guy goes to get the ladder. As he hands me the ladder he tries to cover by claiming he thought the ladder belonged to his land lord.


"No problem sir. Thank you. Have a nice day." was my reply.



I did all I could to keep the smirk off my face but as I walked back to my truck I started laughing my butt off. This schmuck was sold out by his own kid. It's good to know that his kids are getting some proper manners from someone, even if it's obviously not their father. All that for a $50 ladder. I just hope the kid didn't catch too much flack later.



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AHHH the life of a cable guy. I love how all customers believe that the outlets in there house somehow is our and we are resopnsible for it. TV needs reprogramming, ya that is also our responsiblity. It is sooo bad that customers look at you as if your going to replace their tv for them when you tell them its broken. Then followed up by "it was fine yesterday!?". Dont even get me started on the internet side of things.


Been in catv for 14yrs, I'am head engineer in our cable company ccser. Liberty lake wa. is our biggest.

Gotta love those subs. For any one concerned most of your cable bill gose to the venders and frachise fees. You need saturation in order to operate! I know the bill is high, but there is soo much more than meets the eye.

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