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changed my suspension, now cant brake well

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Well basicaly I put new struts and springs on the front end of my Z, and now my brake pedal goes all of the way to the floor, it brakes, but not nearly as good as it did. I checked both sides and everything is installed correctly. All of the lines are fine, no kinks and no leaks, so what happened? I really cant figure it out and have gotten into the habit of engine brakeing in my automatic... Any tips on what to look for would be great. Thanks



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Did you remove the calipers? If so you probably have air trapped somewhere.


I did remove the calipers but I never disconnected them from the brake lines, I put them on the sway bar while I took off the strut assembly, so air couldnt have gotten in there, thanks for the idea though.

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Does it go to the floor and then you have brakes at the very very bottom of the stroke?? If so your reaction disk came out in your brake booster. Probably happened if/when you where pumping your brakes up after you put the calipers back on the struts.

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I bled the brakes today, no air was coming out but I bled them for a while anyways, then topped off the fluids, and the result: Pedal still hits the floor and I still have to start brakeing way sooner then I used to, the pads are good, this happened right after my suspension change, grrrrrr.

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Does it go to the floor and then you have brakes at the very very bottom of the stroke?? If so your reaction disk came out in your brake booster. Probably happened if/when you where pumping your brakes up after you put the calipers back on the struts.


It's in the booster.

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start researching the "REACTION DISC" Id bet it came out.


Well, I searched "reaction disc" like you said, and you are right, this sure sounds like a probable cause for my problem, in my searches I found people saying it was easy to check, but no "how to's". Does anybody have any pictures or links they can please send my way? In the mean time I will keep searching, thanks.

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Well, I searched "reaction disc" like you said, and you are right, this sure sounds like a probable cause for my problem, in my searches I found people saying it was easy to check, but no "how to's". Does anybody have any pictures or links they can please send my way? In the mean time I will keep searching, thanks.


These posts have some pics:



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