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Ford Falcon Turbo I6 - Aussie donor

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Would make for a very fast Z. The falcons are damn heavy and stock Typhoons do 13's on the qtr. I think the fastest stock F6 was in the high 12's!


The thing I would be looking at is the physical size. They are huge engines. Im sure they would fit but would still be fun.


Also finding an ECU to run the show is the next step. There isn't a gaurenteed fix for running it. BA you can do a bit easier than BF as the BF engine has twin variable cam timing and all that junk. BA you can lock. You dont make as much power but saying that you still make a huge amount. Another option is hacking up the standard computer but you still need keep about 3 other parts for the car to start. From memory EMS 8860 SHOULD work with the twin cam timing. Know a bloke playing with this now so should find out in the future if that can control it.


The real fun thing about these engines is the torque!!! 550nm stock. When modded 800+. And a lot of HP to go along.


If I had the cash Id try it. Would be a very different and very scary beast!


Lots of info on the falcon 6 on:



and the xr6 turbo site (cant remember the addy and im at work so cant check.)


After saying all that If i was going down the Faclon 4ltr swap road I would probably go for an AU 4ltr. Lots of parts avaliable. Lots known about controlling them ecu wise, just 1 cam!! and when built to last put out a huge amount of power while still being reliable. But saying that as always reliability and power comes down to the tuner!

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Depending on what stage your talking about depends what Nizpro used. Its pretty much all capa (SCT) flash units these days. WAY better than anything on the market ATM. Unichips and the like were used in the early days but theyre poo. The flash allows you to access all areas (including tranny for autos) and make the tune perfect.


There was a bit of buzz about the new snyper tune but I havent heard anything further really. I think that may still be alot further off. And from what I understand it is very similar to the flash unit.


Another good thing about the engines is they're alot cheaper to mod than jap engines (you can buy a short block built to run 600hp all day everyday for around 5grand from memory. More for the 900hp model), you dont need to rev the crap out of them to make awesome power when boosted and you get all the extra torque, trannys are sorted for them too. Would be a bloody good swap I reckon.


Anyone with lotsa money wanna try? :burnout:


PS: Good to see another West Aussie!!!

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Wow you seem to know a bit about these Ford engines, you have a falcon or you just curious? You obviously have a Zed too or you wouldnt be on these forums! I wish I had the money to play around with this stuff but I'm still trying to finish off my house and the missus is still home with the youngin so no spare cash for toys. It would make an interesting car - ford turbo powered Zed. I remember about 18 years ago the first hybrid Zed I ever seen in a magazine, a 240Z with a 265 Hemi in it, turbo'd on LPG. The badges were 265Z. That got me started on liking Zeds in the first place, and I bought mine a year or two later. First car was a 240K then moved to the Zed. She's been off the road for over 10 years now waiting for a cash injection.


Take care - Likewise, good to see a fellow West Aussie!

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AU2 Falcon ute here mate. Love my ford 6's. And 8's but theres just something about the humble Aussie 6. (yeah yeah I know it started as a yank engine but they ditched it and we kept going. Now theyre all jelous haha)


Unfortunately mate I dont have a Z. Was planning on getting one but that idea got smashed to bits and then I needed a new car that was reliable and newish. Always loved my utes so it was pretty natural to get one.


One day Ill get a Z but for now the utes staying. But theres no harm in researching and drooling is there!


Personally I think with a Z I would either go an RB30ET (damn easy to get power and parts and they fit no problem) or an LS1/2 engine. Falcon 6 would be awesome but alot more fab work involved than a RB30. Although it could be easier than a LS engine?


What have you got planned for yours mate?



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I've got a RB30 laying around, probably go with that. I might even resurrect the L28 at first just to get her licensed etc. I have a VG30 laying around too but they seem to be a bit of a lemon. What makes you like Z's so much then? You must have had a mate that had one or something? I think the Falc engine shouldnt be too much work to get in - depends on the deck height, sump placement things like that? The 265 Hemi probably had a comparable deck height. i know the old Ford 250 XFlow had a fairly low deck height, so the rod length / stroke ratio was too small and they wouldnt rev. I guess the newer falc engines have a taller deck height?

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Not sure mate. I know the blocks and sumps are very different to the Xflow, blocks not so much to be massive but enough and the sumps very different. Blokes changing TD cortinas and that have trouble fitting them. I think a slegehammers used haha.I think if you did some measuring youd probably find they would fit but Being able to close the bonnet would be the next step.


Thinking about it they probably wouldnt like corners that much either. The falcons dont, some of that can be put down to weight though. But I think the weight of the engine would induce a bit of understeer.


They engines are pretty much square too so they dont rev that much. You can get 250s to rev with a bit of work. Something about a crank out of a 22* or something. Looked into it all awhile ago but cant remember exactly what is needed. You can run massive cams in them though because of the valves/springs/blah blah. But saying that having mod work and a massive cam still only nets you the same power as a later model engine.


Yeah had a mate from highschool with a 280Z. He got me into them and then Ive loved them since. Was going to get a rolling shell off him for free but couldnt transport it and didnt have the money to get stuck into it so it would have been a bit of a waste. I look at is this way. Im 20 so ive got a bloody long time to do a project. No point rushing. Id rather get all the research done, figure out the best way to go, know all the bits i need and then once i have the car can crank it out in no time :D


Mate if youve got one lying around, go the Rb30. Looking in the RB section its a bloody easy swap by the looks of it. Nissan engine mounts fit and you can also get stuff from the rod shop. Although Ive heard some bloody awful stories about them lately. Everything from the skylines/vl commos is an easy fit and I think the stock driveshaft can be used? Is your RB30 from a turbo vl or standard as they used 2 different blocks. I think one had an oil tap and one didnt or something.


Bloody hell what a book haha. Some days i just start writing and it doesnt stop hahahahaha

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Yeah man RB30 would be an easy swap I know. Mines from a NA VL - but not hard to tap the gallerie for the turbo feed. Was it a 280ZX your mate had? You should take a ride in a early 240Z or 260Z - totally different animal. Quite a few hundred kilos different, different rear suspension (Older was better i reckon) and the shorter wheelbase means your arse is just in front of the rear wheels, awesome for sideways action!


Haha the old Tin-Corners I havent seen one of those around for ages! Reminds me of the Centura I used to have, fairly warm 265, 308 degree cam, 245 head with OS valves, roller rockers etc, 600 Holley - went like the clappers in a straight line but was a boat around corners. The body didnt like the extra torque the doors started to misbehave and not shut properly. Had a green body and a bright orange bonnet - $500 special with a hotty motor - was good fun. I was reading a ford performance magazine the other day while waiting for a chopper, had a TE Tincorner with a AU XR6 motor I think? Had a centrifugal blower on it, would have gone fairly hard I imagine!

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TE's have a slightly bigger bay so I dont think that it would have been as much drama fitting the engine into one. Slightly heavier than a TC/D but a hell of alot lightler than the AU the engine would have come from. Would be a scary drive N/A! With a blower I think you would have better power/torque than some of the v8 conversions would have. Pretty sure you would have to carry around a spare set of undies.


My old man had a TD when he was young and I looked into getting one for my first car but its seriously hard to find one in good condition for a good price ay. Plus the not handling well thing kinda bothered me.


mmmm centura. I was gonna buy a Ranger XL for 300 bucks when I was about 16 but mum wouldnt let me haha. Probably a good thing. Love the old Vals ay. The 265 was an awesome engine.


Keep us updated with how you go mate. AU engines with low kms from the wreckers are about 400 bucks now. You can get them from the quokka easily too. Usually with a auto gearbox for 5/600. Engine management is cheap as chips if going N/A. Slightly more for F/I. R200 diff and custom driveshaft and you would have a freakin weapon. Even if you went N/A. Cam, head work, stallie and you would have a super fast car just because of the massive weight advantage.

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  • 8 months later...

ford have brought out the new fg f6 Typhoon now witch is a 310kw from the factory and a 270kw version for the fg xr6t. the fg f6 has been proven to make over 350rwkw's with just a k & n panel filter, exhaust and a edit


link to new fg range


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I know they are a double over head cam and the bf -fg's have variable cam timing the heads apparently flow extremely well because their "cnc ported from the factory"?? i know a fella with the bf version and with new plenum, intercooler, intercooler piping , relocated filter, exhaust , fuel pump, injectors and tune his car does constant low 11 sec 1/4 mile passes in a 2000kg body

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  philfree said:

I know they are a double over head cam and the bf -fg's have variable cam timing the heads apparently flow extremely well because their "cnc ported from the factory"?? i know a fella with the bf version and with new plenum, intercooler, intercooler piping , relocated filter, exhaust , fuel pump, injectors and tune his car does constant low 11 sec 1/4 mile passes in a 2000kg body


Yeah they have VCT on the inlet and exhaust. Seem to pull well (and flat) all the way to 6000 which isnt bad for a long stroke engine. No lag either (I've only been for a lap in a BF with 6speed ZF Auto - bog standard)

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BA onwards are all twin cam, DVCT. Cast block :( and a big resounding no to it ever being alloy.

You have the N/A version which BA ran 140fwkw

BA turbo ran 240fwkw (BUT this is very conservative numbers as its been found most run more than this from factory.

F6 (Typhoon-Tornado) ran 270fwkw which again was very conservative. And i mean very.


BF the kw jumped slightly and for FG they jumped up lots :burnout:


Pre BA they were all single cam but when turbo make bucketloads of hp and MASSIVE amounts of torque. Depending who you talk to AU and EA heads are the best...but depends who you talk to but if your going a serious build you would be doing head work anyway.


If you american guys are really interested in doing something like this your best bet would be to buy a standard engine and box OR visit the ATOMIC engines website and buy a fully built shortblock and get the head/turbo gear sent from a wreckers. would make a damn fast Z and a very unique one too!

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