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Advice on buying a used Z car

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Ok guys, Ive always wanted an old Datsun Z car. Last year I had the extra cash to buy one, but got a sport bike instead. Now once again I can pick one up and I have found one that is peaking my interest. Its a 1978 280z, fuel injected model I believe. Has 150k on it. It is out of state and I would probably have to have it shipped. The guy has sent me around 10 pictures, even of the bottom side, no real rust issues except for the rocker panels are starting to bubble the paint. Car over all looks pretty clean. My question is, are there any pictures of key areas I should ask for? Any questions about key mechanical issues that are prone to fail(he already told me it may need a new brake master cylinder)? I tried searching for common issues with these cars or what to look for when buying used ones but found nothing. Im new to the Z car game so any help from your veterans would be much appreciated. Thanks guys,

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check out this website it should help alot





Thank you 240z!!! you are a new member and i think you get it. This site is not for "What to look for when buying a car" or "how to change a alternator belt" Its about performance and modification. not about regular maintence.


Im not trying to be mean to the Origional poster but this site has seen alot of posts lately from first time people asking stuff that should be learned else ware before coming here. Sites that are great at this are





among alot of other sites.

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So I guess when people post up a question asking why something is not working right on there car, or why it is making this funny noise, those are all bad/not needed posts?


According to the rules it says this site is "to discuss TECHNICAL topics that pertain to the modification" So only posts about modifying the cars are allowed? Not posts about how to buy a decent car in the first place or how to keep it running and operating properly?


Im not trying to be negative but this idea is a little new to me. Im on tons of other car specific forums and this is the first one Ive come across that has a rule like that. To exclude posts about maintenance, common problems, ect.


I apologize, I tried searching for the topic before hand, and thanks for giving me that zhome website 240z!!

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Im sorry im not trying to be mean to you. Its just this site was started for people who are beyond needing to know what to look for. More of a College course on z cars and not High school class if that makes sense. Its not just you. There was a guy asking how to change his belts on his z earlier. Thats just something you should know when coming on this site. Kinda like knowing algerba2 before you go into college. I feel that knowing where these cars rust and stuff like that would fall in the same area. I mean no disrespect to you at all. Ive just been frustrated with alot of "newb" questions lately

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So I guess when people post up a question asking why something is not working right on there car, or why it is making this funny noise, those are all bad/not needed posts?


According to the rules it says this site is "to discuss TECHNICAL topics that pertain to the modification" So only posts about modifying the cars are allowed? Not posts about how to buy a decent car in the first place or how to keep it running and operating properly?


Im not trying to be negative but this idea is a little new to me. Im on tons of other car specific forums and this is the first one Ive come across that has a rule like that. To exclude posts about maintenance, common problems, ect.


I apologize, I tried searching for the topic before hand, and thanks for giving me that zhome website 240z!!



Naaa... Nothing wrong with your post, one guys opinion. Someone else posted to check the floorpans and rails for rust.. That was good advice. I see no problem with seeking advice on buying a z here. Good luck.

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I can understand how people asking questions like "how do I change my oil/belts/plugs/ect" can get old and is not really productive. But how can you sit here and say asking for model specific problems/issues is a newb question? You can be a guru with engines, brakes, suspension, something universal like that, but know next to nothing about the little problems and quirks a certain model of car has. Asking specific questions about a specific kind of car is totally different then asking how to change a belt IMO.

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I can understand how people asking questions like "how do I change my oil/belts/plugs/ect" can get old and is not really productive. But how can you sit here and say asking for model specific problems/issues is a newb question? You can be a guru with engines, brakes, suspension, something universal like that, but know next to nothing about the little problems and quirks a certain model of car has. Asking specific questions about a specific kind of car is totally different then asking how to change a belt IMO.


This website was originally for people doing high-tech, high powered SBC swaps into their S30, Datsun 240/260/280Z no X. Obviously, it has expanded a great deal to embrace the entire performance oriented aspect of the Z-car crowd of all generations. (performance-oriented as opposed to stock/cherry/original preservationist ideals.)


Points regarding the purchase of one of these model vehicles is a datum which is largely intended to be taken as a given to most members here. In other words, this is a site more geared to gurus of Z than to newbies of Z.


Its not that your particular post was problematic or out of place; just don't expect the full support of the crowd here. The answers you seek are better found elsewhere.


The majority of us are members of all the forums; I personally belong to zcar.com, classiczcars or whatever it is, and hybridZ, and I know many others who have dual citizenship as it were...

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