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Carb. float stuck


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Alright guys, the float is stuck in my front carburetor. It runs, but very badly. Haha, it runs a full stream of gas out the vent tube, so I'm pretty sure that's the problem. What's the easiest/quickest way to get it unstuck? Will I have to take the carb off? I hope not. :lmao: Any help at all is appreciated!










EDIT- It's a '74 Datsun 260Z. Stock.

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  240z!!! said:
it should be in a hayne's manual but if its roundtop su's you should be able to take the four screws that hold on the top of the bowl it shouldnt take more than 10 min to get it off...and you dont have to take the carb off

True, it's easy to take off.


I had a stuck float on the rear carb when I first got my 240, a quick light tap on the top of the bowl fixed that. I didnt even have to take the top of the bowl off.

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I could only find one decent picture online of the carbs, and it doesn't help much.

Here, this page at least describes most of the differences between the Flat Tops and the earlier Round Top SU's.



Better yet, go over to autozone.com and look at the repair guide for your car. It has a section (fuel system - carburetted fuel system 70-78) which is pretty comprehensive for 70-74 SU's. It shows carb components, how to adjust the float on your carbs, how to set fast idle, and how to get at the float chamber itself on your Flat Top carbs. They even sell replacement floats if need be.


You could even try downloading the FSM from xenons30.com too. It shows cutaway views of the carbs, which seven screw to remove to access the float on the bottom, how to check the power valve and a troubleshooting table. The Fuel System section also shows which vacuum hoses go where, how to check each component, like the idle compensator, and it even has sections dealing with the mechanical and electric fuel pumps which may answer the questions you had earlier this week about them.

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Thanks for the help guys. Now I have another problem though. I took the carb off and sure enough, the float was stuck. I got that fixed and got the carb back on and everything assembled. Now it won't start at all. Not even a sputter from one cylinder. I took the coil wire off of the coil, and it's sparking. I'm lost now.




EDIT: Just went back out and tried it agin. Now it sputters every couple of revolutions or so. I'm still lost.

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how are the chokes working?? Not much of a carb man here, but im getting a baptism by fire with this junker 240 we're getting running for me.


Can you get it to start with someone (mostly) choking off the front intakes of the carbs with their hands?


Pull a plug after trying to start and make sure it smells like fuel and is wet... If so, then you aren likely getting too much fuel. If not, try pouring a little fuel into the carburetor before you try to crank it, or get some starter fluid. If that starts it, you aren't getting enough fuel.


Simple, I know, but its about my limits with carbs.

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  Daeron said:
how are the chokes working?? Not much of a carb man here, but im getting a baptism by fire with this junker 240 we're getting running for me.


Can you get it to start with someone (mostly) choking off the front intakes of the carbs with their hands?


Pull a plug after trying to start and make sure it smells like fuel and is wet... If so, then you aren likely getting too much fuel. If not, try pouring a little fuel into the carburetor before you try to crank it, or get some starter fluid. If that starts it, you aren't getting enough fuel.


Simple, I know, but its about my limits with carbs.



Yea, we've already tried all of that. The only way we can get it to start is by holding the accelerator all the way down, and then it barely idles. My dad's been helping me, and he has 30+ years of automotive experience. Still nothing.

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Dismantle it again! Maybe you have a piece of dirt in it...it doesn't take much. Check your vacuum as well, I remember trying to start them one time without the hoses plug in, wasted 2 hours assembling disassembling carbs to find out it was taking air from the balance tube. Same theory of finding an elec. gremlin for hours to find out it was a fuse!


Gas, fire at the right time with proper amount of air will get you going!


Good luck


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So, you have to hold the accelerator down all the way to get it to even TRY to start. That means too much fuel is still getting in for some reason, or not enough at ALL. Does it start when you choke the fronts of the carbs off by hand?? If so, then your hands help increase the vacuum pressure action in the carb, sucking more fuel through the jet, and your problem is that your carbs aren't getting you enough fuel. If NOT, then you are definitely still getting too much fuel in the bowls.


Just re-analyzing and re-stating your situation to see if it helps jar anything loose in your brain.

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Well, after messing with it again today, I've decided to just rebuild the carbs. We got them taken off today, and I'm going to pain stakingly rebuild them to perfection so I'll know they're right. I'm also taking the smog pump off while I'm at it. Where the other end of the smog pump hoses connect to the engine, do I just need to cap those off?

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ahhhh.. I cannot tell you the last time I saw an SU setup complete with smog stuff, but I know that the air injection tube going into the exhaust manifold is usually crimped off, and there ARE a few hard lines that are left vacant and open afterwards when all the anti-pollution equipment is removed. HTH

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  g9m3c said:
The top of the bowl? Isn't the bowl on the bottom of the carb?

OH... flat tops... ouch. Most people throw those away, or if they keep them.. they're used as door stops or paper weights.


  g9m3c said:
Thanks for the help guys. Now I have another problem though. I took the carb off and sure enough, the float was stuck. I got that fixed and got the carb back on and everything assembled. Now it won't start at all. Not even a sputter from one cylinder. I took the coil wire off of the coil, and it's sparking. I'm lost now.



EDIT: Just went back out and tried it agin. Now it sputters every couple of revolutions or so. I'm still lost.

Could be that the float is stuck at the TOP now and is not allowing much gas into the bowls.

Getting stuck at the bottom would have caused your earlier gas going everywhere problem.


If it got stuck once, it could have easily happened again.

  g9m3c said:
Well, after messing with it again today, I've decided to just rebuild the carbs. We got them taken off today, and I'm going to pain stakingly rebuild them to perfection so I'll know they're right. I'm also taking the smog pump off while I'm at it. Where the other end of the smog pump hoses connect to the engine, do I just need to cap those off?


Unless you're trying to keep it all original and 100% stock, I wouldn't bother. The flat tops are in a word, terrible.

You will get much better performance out of the 240Z round top SU's.


If I didn't need some of the parts off my spare set still, I would have offered you mine.

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