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I am building a subwoofer!


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So I have been working on a subwoofer for my house! It is powered by a 1024 watt @ 4ohm amp, but it will be running at 1140 watt RMS into a 3.6ohm load. It is 96"x30"x24" and will weigh near 500lbs when complete. The sub should output SPL's continuously over 130db at 1 meter. Holds -3db down to 24hz, according to calculatuions. =]


If I could have my cake and eat it too, the box would be 1800 liters which would allow the subwoofer to hold flat down to 22.5hz... within -1db!!!!!!!! Unfortunately reality dictates this box be no larger than 1000 liters or so, so it should hold -1db down to 28hz, or -3db down to 24hz - which is still impressive based on the relatively minimal cost of this project ($750).


Unit includes 8 x 10" woofers, 4 x 4" mids, and 4 x 3" tweeters. The sub will also take the place of the center speaker for my 7.1 surround system. The mids and highs have a 300watt cross over set at 4500hz to take care of that end of things.


This is definitely a learning process for me and is my first audio project of this kind. Hopefully it does not sound terrible or explode. :redface: Worse comes to worse it is an expensive, heavy, and impressive looking paper weight!








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If your neighbors are far enough away that would be cool. I have a story:redface:


The people across the street years ago had new years party and 4th july party. We live in the county so we can set off fire works. My daughter was a new born at the time and they went all night, I got no sleep because my kid was crying..............8ish years later.


They have a baby, I have some loud motorcycles, 4 wheelers, guitar etc...

He comes to complain to me about the noise one late evening. I'm keeping his daughter up:icon45:


What goes around comes around, just be thoughtful of your neighbors.


That being said, it looks like a kick ass sub set-up. I'll take one.

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