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Help out a noob with car trouble


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I just picked up a free 79 280zx. It supposedly hasnt been running since 99 but what running when parked. When I got it home I wanted to start with power. I changed the fusible links to a fuse box and now all of the lights work. I turn the key and nothing happens.

Whenever you touch the clutch, it pops straight to the floor and stays there. I figured it wouldnt start because the clutch has to be pushed in. Since the clutch is messed up, I figured I would start with that. I looked under the dash for a switch to bypass to get it running but there is no switch. How does the clutch tie in with the key switch on these cars? What is the first thing you would check on a clutch popping all the way to the floor and staying there?

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I don't think the ZX's came w/ a clutch switch. The clutch is going to the floor because the slave cylinder or the Clutch cylinder on the firewall are bad or both.


For kicks bypass the ignition key altogether and bump it off the starter. Just make sure it is in neutral first. :)


You sure you didn't blow any fuses and have the right amperage in the new fuse block? You didn't cross any wires by mistake?


Do you get any key buzzing or dash lights on when you turn the key to the accessories position?

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I've replaced my slave and am now tempting the fates with my master cylinder. I can confirm that there is no switch as I have had to do a minor drywall replacement in the garage due to having the old school setup. With a Z like yours that has sat for that long I would basically and carefully find all of the wiring connectors I could and ensure that they are cleaned. Open the connectors and be thorough in the cleaning process of the connectors. You also have to be careful as the connectors are prone to deterioration. After you have followed the harness and ensured all of your connections are intact then you can start isolating the problem. As in looking at the starter, Groundwire connections and also checking if your fuel pump is running when the ignition is turned on etc... Hope this helps.


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The ZX doesn't have the clutch on/off switch - my 87 4runner does though :)


I'd check your brake lines and both the master and slave cylinders. I replaced my master about a year ago and it was easy peasy - just took a lot of patience. you don't need to remove your brake booster but I believe the washer fluid tank had to come out (just pull straight up and wiggle gently to "unhook" it from the drivers fender and set out of the way. I'd replace both and do a good flush of your clutch and brake system - both use brake fluid. careful with the brake fluid - it ruins paint so don't spill on your car's exterior.

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