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RIPS 240z goes 7.86 @ 177.4mph


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not an expert rob and i am for sure a rb fan but i think the list is setup by ET


judging the 2 slips IF you both had identical reaction times it would have been really close at the line. He has you at the 1/8 but with the higher MPH you real him in by the end.


Would for sure be a good race

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Yeah, forgetting reaction times for a moment, if we both run the same time and I have the higher mph its considered the "better slip" or faster car.


If we compare RTs and he was slower than 0.080 and we both ran the same time I'd have won the race also.


Just to check it out I put my time as 7.85 and it put me on the top but as soon as I put 7.86 in there I went back to second place.


Obviously I've put alot of work into getting to where we are and if I legitimatly have earned top spot I'd like it, is there anyone on here who could check it out for me?


Damn that 100th of a second!!! I should have taken a dump before that run after all, lol.





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OK you do definitely deserve recognition. BUT looking at just time slips. you have more MPH but he 60 footed just over a 10th better then you. If you both cut perfect lights and ran you exact slip the times would have to go out to the 4th digit to determine a winner. and you would need the mph to catch him.


If you sort to highest HP your #1, if you sort to best MPH your #1. Not sure why it posts 1 fast Z him as number one with the same ET maybe it has to do with date posted????



At any rate i would have to say you are the fastest non v-8 z in the world period. I have actually seen faster v-8 Zs they are just not here. )n the other hand i have never seen an import based z car even close to your car.

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If sorting by et, since ets are the same then I'd guess the next default means of sorting is name or perhaps date as Stony suggested, but I don't see date as one of the fields. All depends what query is programed into the search parameters. The name 1 QUICK Z starts with a number, which typically sorts first before letters. Change your name to _RIPSNZ and maybe you will come up on top since underscores sort before numbers. Same ets, you win mph. If by stats alone you should be on top.


I just stuck in a ficticious time identical in et and mph to another member on page 5. My ranking was higher due to alphabetical sorting. Plugged in same et and less mph and still ranked higher. I would suggest rewriting sort by et query to sort et by mph as next parameter.

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