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building a V8z that can travel across country


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hey homies and homettes

right now i love the heck out of my z

except for one thing, which is still a good thing, but hurts on the freeway

i have a 411 r200 linked up to a muncie 350

4speed transmission that gets 0-60 in like

4.5 seconds, but ill be the freeway doing 75

topped out at 3000rpm!!!!!!!!!!and getting negative gas mpg

i want to build this 327sbc swap to run fairly cool, be this a bigger radiator or more modifications.

i know one big answer is a 5speeed tranny

which is the best for running low rpm at freeway type speed and what do you guys with the five speed get on gas, i will sacrifice some acceleration for a better top end and freeway speed

any other mods that would cause me to run a little cooler guys??????

thanx guys

and keep rocking everycar in sight!!!!!!

Leonard the real rice rocket

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Fairlady 327, here is my $.02.


First the cooling. You did not say what setup you have now so it is difficult to know what to recommend. The setup recommended by JTR works. I also like the 24x19 Griffin which you can get from Summit for $181. With a good 16" fan, it looks good and works.


You said you do 3000RPMs at 75mph? You mean 55mph right? You would be doing 75mph at 3000 with the 5-speed. If you are looking for a combination to give good acceleration and highway cruising, then the 4.11 might not be the right choice. You need to look at overall ratio (final drive x tranny ratio) not just the final drive. I dont have all the numbers handy, but a 5-spd/3.70 combo would probably have the same or stronger overall ratio in 1st and 2nd than the 4.11/Muncie combo and give great cruising and mileage in 4th and 5th.




71 240GN-Z


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Guest Locutus

If you want a strong tranny, consider the T56. It has a final gear of .50 which rocks for cruising. If you really wanna cruise the hiways I think that is your best bet.

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This is not entirely on-topic, but for those of us that have already committed to a transmission, and have a 3.7 or 3.54 R200, there aren't many options left to reduce cruising rpms, other than to get taller rear tires.


Wheels and tires come up for discussion all the time; normally the topic is how to get the widest tires possible, but still get them to fit with the stock Datsun sheet metal. My question is, what are the TALLEST tires that people have been running in the rear? For a first iteration, I'm considering pickup truck or full-size Detroit landyacht tires in something like 28"-29" diameter. Yes, that will introduce traction problems, but with gas hitting $2/gallon, well, you know...

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