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Thread edit ability


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This has been discussed a bit here:http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=143551&highlight=thread+editing

But, I wanted to offer up some examples in an effort to allow the thread creator to edit his/her own posts, in particular, post number one.

I don't know much about vbull, but I am a member of the XDA forums, and they have allowed for the thread creator to edit posts, thread title, etc.

On that forum, this comes in handy, because whenever a ROM (phone OS), or piece of software is released, any fixes/patches/updates are included in the first thread and title. I.e., when software X v .01 is released, and later (post 213 in the thread) v.02 is released, the title and first post can be edited to reflect this.

On hybrid, there are several examples I can think of where this would be of use:

  • In a "lot" thread, where user X posts 20 items up for sale in the classifieds, at post 16 user Y posts a request for an update, or a "do you still have this post". The ability to edit for thread creator allows first post to reflect that he only has 16 items left, which avoids posts like that.
  • Many users have a "members project" thread, to have a well organized thread that only they can edit - to avoid, i suppose, thread hijacking. However, often the same member will have a build thread located elsewhere, because they also enjoy the feedback from the group. The ability to edit first post would allow someone to make chronological entries in the first post, and to get feedback/answer questions from everybody else.
  • Also, for threads that members post to ask simple questions, after the answer is found, they can edit first post to include it. I.E. post 1 says "what year Z had XXX" and answer:1974 with a link to answer in post 17. This would also prevent comments from those who simply refuse to read an entire thread, reading to page three, and then posting to page 8 to ask a question that was answered on page 4.

I'm sorry if the points I've brought up here have already been discussed off site, or otherwise, but although this might allow for users to take vital info with them when they leave, there are also steps to take to prevent that. A thread with information that is clearly important, or a large collection of data could be stickied and locked. Perhaps a wiki (maybe similar to the one available at xda-developers) could be created for information to be posted to that cannot be so easily edited.


Thanks in advance


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Another good reason to allow users to edit posts would be to fix broken image links. I know I have a few broken links, and I know I'm not the only one. I realize all of what has been mentioned a moderator can do, but I think it's unnecessary to have to rely on them to do all of those things every time there's a problem.

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The down side to that is that in the past members have left the site and deleted good info before they left.


Double edged sword.


The positive side is that if you ask one of us to fix broken link, or correct something it'll get done fairly quickly. :wink:

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As I said, I understand that but IMHO, I think that there may be ways to cope with that loss - i.e. backing up critical data, moving/locking threads (once somewhat dead of course), or even just identifying that data, and quoting it to a stickied thread so it no longer 'belongs' to the original person, so to speak.


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  • 3 months later...

Hate to beat a dead horse here, but i find myself running into this and getting frustrated with it more than a couple times a month - how about looking in to meeting half way?

Perhaps there is a way, as with thread closing/opening ability, to limit post editing only to the classifieds, and perhaps the members projects section?


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  • 4 months later...

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