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Locking lugs / lost key

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I lost my key for my locking lug nuts. Unfortunately, I have Enkei wheels such that the locking lug sits about flush with the face of the wheel. Not much room to get down in between the wheel and the nut to get a hold of it with anything. I've exhausted my possibilities as far as finding the key. I've heard of folks welding a nut to the lug to get it off. I've also read about folks beating a socket onto the lug and getting it off that way. I just don't want to damage the wheel in any capacity though......



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I bought a tap read so as you tighten it will dig into the lug and eventually unscrew it. First car I had with no key I took it to a garage, they cahged me $80 to pull 4 wheelsm what a rip. I think I bought their tool, LOL. The one I have fit Camaro wheel lugs and I found it on EBay for less than $20. Like this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lug-Nut-Remover-Wheel-Lock-Removal-Kit-2pc-CTA-A155_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1205Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem518993ffd1QQitemZ350200528849QQptZMotorsQ5fAutomotiveQ5fTools

You may have to pound it on a little to get it started, but it worked great, hardest part was getting the old lug out of the tool.

I just noticed you live in Atlanta. I would be happy to bring my tool over to see if it will work.



  2eighTZ4me said:
I lost my key for my locking lug nuts. Unfortunately, I have Enkei wheels such that the locking lug sits about flush with the face of the wheel. Not much room to get down in between the wheel and the nut to get a hold of it with anything. I've exhausted my possibilities as far as finding the key. I've heard of folks welding a nut to the lug to get it off. I've also read about folks beating a socket onto the lug and getting it off that way. I just don't want to damage the wheel in any capacity though......



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Yeah - I'll have to get a pic tonight and post it later. Like a dumba$$ - I was trying to help out a fellow HybridZ'er and take some pics of clearance of my Rota's on a "stock" suspension on my 78. Damn if I didn't put the key somewhere after torquing the Enkei back on and........jeez - old age is catching up to me quick!!

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If that dosen't work, drill it out, getting bigger and bigger. Place the car on the ground with a 2x4 underneath the wheel, lug nut on the bottom, and lift up( with only that one lug nut on). It will snap the stud. I have had to do that before for a customers Pathfinder that the stud started spinning. Worked like a charm.


I acutally just kicked the tire at the top with my foot and snapola....

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1....Get a bunch of old sockets. Find one thats close in size. Smack it on with a hand sledge..2....Or Sharp cold chisel and hammer (watch out for shrapnel, and protect your eyes) or 3....buy the wheel lock removal kit from a good parts store or tool guy.

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one meathod i've used in simular situation is just get a large nut set it on the lock nut and weld the inside of the nut to the lock nut and put a socket on the nut. but you have to be carful about getting flux on the rims as its hard to get off (if your using a stick welder, with mig you've got no wories)


the reason you weld the inside and not the outside is to contain the heat and splatter as best you can so you don't ruin the finish of the rim

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK - so got one of those lug remover tools. Got one lug out and now I can't get the lug out of the tool! I have tried locking it in the bench vise and hitting it with the impact gun, vice grips - just about everything I can think of to get the lug out. I'm out of ideas. Anyone got something for me to try?

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  • 8 years later...

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