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spark plug wont fire?!?!

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im finally to the point where i'm gettin the z running...it's been 3 long years. it starts no problem...but sounds like its running on 4 or 5 cyl....i pulled the #6 plug and it's clean...no signs of firing, i pulled the wire and it's gettin spark, freakin thing traveled all the way through my body and out my toe. can a spark plug be a dud? there's definately fuel, i just had all 6 injectors sent to witchhunter to be flowtested and cleaned. what could be goin on?

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went and got a new plug, tested out of the car...showing spark...installed...same thing...showing no signs of sparking after starting the car and then pulling the plug. switched #5 and #6 plug wires and i get the same thing...that #6 plug looks brand new. i'm running the sds 6f with coil packs.....i'm gettin plenty of spark when i'm pulling the wire off with the car running...like i was saying earlier...traveled all the way down my body and out my toe. what could be going on? i'm stumped....i really want to hear her run normal. i really dont have any way to test the injector...i just got them all back from witchhunter performance though...they provided data sheets showing they were all flowing as they should.

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when you say you switched plug wires I hope you swapped both the distributor end and the plug end other wise they would both spark at the wrong time. Next try might be to fire it up in the dark and check for sparky things in the wrong places. Somehow the spark is finding a way to ground that is easier than jumping the gap on the plug. Any carbon tracks or other oddities that can be seen on the dizzy cap? I had a new dizzy cap with the contact point for the plug bent in enough that the rotor was hitting it. Bent it out and all was good. You might have the opposite contact point far enough from the rotor that spark won't get there when engine running. have you tried different dizzy cap and rotor? Remember just cause you get a jolt from the wire doesn't mean that the spark is jumping the gap of the plug. High voltage does strange things.

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i switched the wires so they were on the right cylinder. i have the coil pack fromt he sds system...i will turn off the lights and try it...see if i find anything there...thanks for the help! i tried pulling the wire with the car running...and there is a good arc to the plug top....

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