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So what's worth more?

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I've seen very few slick top's out here in Cali. I'd say they are worth more.


If you want it for racing, I think the slick top is the way to go. If it's a daily driver I'd opt for the t-tops.


These cars are barely worth their weight in scrap metal, so hope your not planning on big returns. (i bought one of my cars for 450). I'm surprised to see one go for 4600..

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Guest Rolling Parts
So is the slick top 280zx or the T-top 280zx rarer?


After 30 years, it's rare to see either driving around.

There were no T-Tops at all for the ZX in the first year of production.

As far as "which is worth more" is debatable because a slicktop ZXR in prime stock condition will obviously fetch more than an 81 T-top in good condition.


It probably comes down to choice. I personally like the simplicity and lighter early slicktops over the "Grand Luxury" edition with T-tops if I was in the market for a ZX.

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