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Blown (as in kablooie) L24


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I'll take a picture of the ports later today (its still below freezing in the garage and I am still in my pj's). I know they have been worked on a fair bit as I needed to open up the holes in the gasket last time. I don't think I am going to do rings just yet. Hopefully that can wait till next winter and I'll do bearings at the same time. There really is no indication that there are any problems with the rings at the moment. I guess I was just fearing the worst when it started burning so much oil so suddenly. I'll probably get the valve seats done later too. It looks like the intake port on #1 has a very slight leak. I left the head upside down and poured some varsol into the chambers. When I came back a couple hours later, there were a couple of drops underneath it.


I need to start accumulating spare parts and gaskets. Things like comp pan gaskets that are hard to come by. I would like to take the pan off and see what stories the bottom end has, but its not leaking and I don't have spare gaskets.

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"Inspection Nazis" in Japan couldn't care less what head is on your engine. Shaken-Sho ONLY verifies block number.

Interesting... so why start with an e88 instead of an n42? I guess i should have asked if the valveseats are larger than normal? surely the n42 valves will clear the clinder walls and eyebrowing could be done if required for OS valves.... hmmm... I remember asking myself the same question last time i saw a welded e88...? wikiD?

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Casting number is really a more a matter of what was available to the builder than anything else.


With the work needed to make a proper head, it really won't matter much which one you start from...


Thanks for clearning that up tony! :) i hope i didnt lead the thread too far astray... any comments on the ports anyone? to my untrained eye the quality of work there doesnt seem on par with the CC's?

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I don't know if the po had some reason for the e88 head, but the only spare parts that came with the car were wheels and a completely stock/stripped e88 head.


I know he dealt with a local shop , Sumaru's, that specializes in Z cars. Sumaru does do race car prep and has one serious Z himself. He also has some really nice fiberglass molds. I think they may be the 280yz molds if rumors serve. I have stopped by the shop a few times to inquire, but never seem to be there when anyone helpful is around. Anyway, from the little bit of history investigation I have done the past week, I bet Sumaru did the head. He did a lot of the work on this car including suspension and roll cage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, mostly back together now, just waiting for the manifold studs from MSA. Poking around doing a little reading this evening and I noticed that the torque specs for the head bolts changed significantly between the '72 and '73 fsm's. The '72 one says 32.5 then 47 ft-lbs and in the '73 it says 29, 43, then 47-61 ft-lbs. I went to 61 since that was the book on my table at the time. What do you guys recommend for head torque? Why the difference? Do the ARP studs require a different torque yet again?

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