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a small picture changes everything


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Not much can be said to explain our feelings right now.

After having lost a baby earlier this year we are happy to say that this little one looks to be sticking around :)


Amanda is 14weeks now give or take so we are pretty excited.


Not sure if its boy/girl yet (not sure if I'm allowed to know even, lol) but the Due date is April 2nd :)


This will be our first born. Woot.


Exciting times with the house being done in Dec then new baby come spring time. Lots of time to paint the baby's room and get ready for it. Maybe the garage will get painted by then too...who knows! :icon45:




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Very cool! Congrats! My wife and I lost 2 while trying for our second. I know the glad to see a real pic feeling. No matter what anyone says, find out the sex of the baby! Everyone I've known that didn't got so sick of trying to gender-neutralize everything.

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We have had our first for three years this coming January. Everything else, no matter what, comes second, third, fourth.....and so on.


We decided to have one, fairly late in our lives, so we are planning to have only this guy. He will get the best we can dish out, and I am sure you will do the same.


Even Hormones?

My wife was on strict bed rest for over 5 months in major discomfort. I had to go to work, cook, groceries, maintain the house, cars, and housekeeping, cater to her, and still keep a positive attitude. I thought it was hard work, until the baby came along. Then I had to continue catering to her for a few months, AND take care of the baby. Neither of us have families that could really help much. Three years later, and it's all good and it was worth every drop of sweat.


Get some sleep while you still can.



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Thanks for the kind words guys.

Its pretty exciting to say the least. I was lucky that my dad was in Toronto from Nova Scotia this weekend so I got to tell him in person (haven't seen him in two years) and he was like a giggly school girl. He was genuinely excited for us (and to be a grand parent again) which was awesome to see since we have had a 'strained' relationship for the last 8 years or so since their divorce. It seems like this may turn things around for him and I which is just an added bonus for me :)


Anyway thanks again, will update as things progress and if I get to find out if its boy/girl I'll let you know :D



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