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Elevating seats


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On my 280Z-

I would like it if my seats were a couple inches higher. That way my arm would be at the level of the window, so you can put your elbow out the window instead of pointing up.


The only thing I can think of so far is solid blocks of metal.


Maybe some other seats are taller than the stock ones?

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Nissan had plastic spacers that screwed on the seat studs to raise either the front, back, or both on the seats. When I got my car I could hardly get my legs under the wheel when I got in! My Eclipse seats are a little taller than stock and it is nice. I'm 6'0" and 175# but might have trouble if I was taller or had a 15" diameter steering wheel. They are the same basic shape as the Z seats, the front holes line up even! All you have to do is cut off the mounting tab at the rear of the slider and weld a stud on that lines up with the stock Nissan holes. No cutting or modding the car at all so it's easy to change back to stock. Just make sure and get the hardware from the boneyard. I got mine for $50 the junkyard had so many eclipses they were happy to see 'em go. There was a sport seat that was optional as well that has adjustable thigh support in addition to the adjustable lumbar that all the seats had. The adjustments are mechanical as well so no wiring/plumbing to use in a Z.

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The solid gray ones are easy to find. I have a set of black with the charcoal insert in the middle. They are the seats from the first gen Eclipse/Talon.

Here is a shot of my Eclipse seats and a set of Talon seats I had before (which I'll sell FYI)Talon seats are on top. They have a moveable head pad and adjustable thigh support that the Eclipse seats did not. I paid $100 for the pair and will take same plus shipping/packaging. They aren't perfect but are nice overall (few small cigarette burns) I think they are more comfortable than the Eclipse seats, but the don't look as nice IMO.




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Guest potterma


I'm a short little s**t (5'2), so I'm not unaccustomed to adding a little height to a seat in more than one vehicle.

What I ended up with in my 280ZX was using 1 X 1 box welded steel, 0.125 thick. I installed sections (1 to 3" long) between the rail and the seat bottom brace, with a hole for the new, longer mounting bolts (my local welding shop had a good selection). I also use Locktite on the bolts to ensure they don't come loose.

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Got my Eclipse seats!


From a '90 eclipse, red. First and only one I saw. Seats are light-grey center with dark sides. I screwed in the back hoples to see how it goes. Had to file the holes because the (threaded) screw holes weren't wide enough. The driver's seat was not too high. Not sure if there was a proper adjustrment range, for & aft. I could put the elbow out the withdow comfortably. I think I will try the front mounting holes to see how the adjustment range is. $50 including the rear-view mirror.


Anybody know what the foot lever is on the back of the passenger seat?

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Guest Anonymous

Tomohawk... for your info I ran across a "build up" article with lots of pictures for an Alpha GTO in an old Kit car magazine.The article ois about as informative as the Blue Ray Manual.

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I had to do some extra mods to the seat tracks:


the holes that bolt to the bottom of the seat were filed sideways as needed so that the slots I made in the tracks would line up with the rear perch holes. I had to play around with tightening the mounting screws on the floor so that the tracks remained perfectly parallel, allowing the seat to slide forward and rearward easily. Otherwise, it wil jam on the way back. I ended up tightening all the mounting screws all the way.

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