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Datsun 280ZX 1979- 83--Haynes Repair Manual

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

excuse me... Will do! Why, may I ask, is it a big deal if I posted it on every single forum? I am just wondering is all and not trying to be smart. Does posting a message take up a lot of space or something?

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My $0.02 on this issue, and the way I use the forum is I use the search to get the day's new posts. When a topic is posted in many different forums, I see every instance of it. In addition, it's hard to keep the topic focused if responses are spread over multiple postings, with no linking or summary.


And IMHO, if you are selling something, I think it should stay in the Buy/Sell forum.

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Guest Anonymous

Please realize some of us renegade Datsun people may consider your multiple sale posting as home computer generated "pop up ads and banners" similar to grafitti on these threads. Hope you sell your manual but one posting gave notice to us all

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Yea, it doesn't take up space, but it is annoying to look in several forums and see the same exact post. Tomahawk put it well.

I also see it as a cheap way to get attention for a product. If it is that good, it will sell. If you want a lot of views, and don't feel the for-sale forum will do it, the L6 forum is where most that would use that book would be. But then you start to push the rules of the board. Think if we let everyone put their for sale in the forums. Why have a for sale forum then?

No biggie, we'll let it go this time.



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