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TPS Signal Noise ?!?!


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So ever since I did my MS-II install, I have been getting really bad signal noise. As I watch my Accel Enrichment graph in tuner studio, it jumps between 1500 and 4000%. The thing that really gets my scratching my head is I get these spikes with the car off(but with the ignition on) and with the TPS unplugged(as well as with the car running and TPS plugged in). Anyone have an idea on how to fix this? By the way I have read through the stickies and searched my @$$ off trying to find the answer.


I am running MS-II 3.57 pre-assembled from DIYautoTune and tuning in TunerStudio.


I can't seem to upload my datalogs, some invalid file crap. If anyone wants to send me their email to take a look at them I can email them.



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You read all the stickies, but you didn't say what remedies you have tried, or if you have a shielded wire for the TPS, or wether it's running near the coil, etc etc etc...


If you see it with the ignition on, and not off, something is too close to where it shouldn't be, or you don't have a good shield on the tps signal line, or....


The question really is what have you done already to fix it?


I changed plug wires, and it went away, and my TB is REALLY close to the coil! One I put shielded wire in there, and got good wires, I ceased seeing the spikes.

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I did the basic troubleshooting first, swapped sensors, moved/untangled lines, and redid my grounds(also added more grounds direct from the battery). After none of these helped I unplugged the TPS and just left the car in the on position(without it running) and I still got spikes. My coil is wired in through the fuel pump relay so it had no power unless cranking and running. After noticing the spikes were still there(and darkness fell upon me) I gave up for the night.


As far as the plug wires go, I didn't even care to swap in some magnecores because I was getting the spikes without the car running.


I want to switch to shielded wire, but I am having the hardest time find a place that carries it. I have checked all the auto stores and RadioShacks. I have also tried finding noise filters, but I have had no luck with that.


Sorry for such a bland introduction post, the girlfriend was over and was getting a little restless as I was looking through my datalogs and writing up this post.


EDIT: No I am not using the relay board. And yes I am using the 240SX TPS.

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Update guys! After sending an email to the wonderful people over at DIYautoTune including my msq. and datalogs, I may have found my problem. Here is the email I recieved back.


""""I have looked at your datalogs and your MSQ file. The jumping in your TPS signal is so small I don't think it is the issue. In looking at both the datalog and your MSQ at the same time I think I have found something that may help your issue. Also to test with a TPS just unplugged is somewhat unreliable in the resulting readings. If you would like to test this, jump your TPS Signal wire to ground through a 1K Ohm resistor.


Your Accel enrichments are set to be blended between your MAP sensor and TPS. It is set to 90% MAP and 10% TPS. It looks like your accel / decel enrich troubles are coming from the fluctuations in the readings from your MAP sensor and the low MAPdot number currently set at 40. I would either set it 100% TPS or raise your MAPdot threshold a bit the same as you have done for your TPSdot.""""


After doing such procedures, I have now accuired a nice steady idle and am working out the bucking and kicking from my light throttle accelerations.


So once again I have way overlooked my problems, but I hope this can help people in the future.

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