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Custic Soda disposal


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Where is the ban hammer when you need it?


Shame on you sir. Tony D is not a personality to be trifled with. ESPECIALLY since he is RIGHT!


The proper response to a public lashing of your own invention is to humbly apologize for your ignorance. Not waving your "My gene pool needs chlorine... which will also be disposed of improperly" flag around.


And now I have stepped out of line... meh.



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Who said dumped it in "City of Houston" sewer system?




given your location says "Houston Texas", You.


As to strength, you mention 8 pounds of soda to 40 gallons, thats .2 of a pound per gallon, hmm... about 100gms per gallon -ish


given the caustic drain cleaner I've used hear said 15gms/a tablespoon per litre, that's still stronger than the caustic cleaners I have used.



If you aren't in houston and are in the countryside using a household septic system, that much and that strong a solution has probably killed all the bugs in the septics and you'll likely need to lift the mushroom and pour some acid down to neutralise it, then follow that a few days later with a rotting possum or shovel load of decomposing roadkill to re-start the bacteria in the septics.

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Ok again boy genius,


Who said dumped it in "City of Houston" sewer system?


I might suggest you get off your high horse, you do not have enough facts, your assuming things were done that were not and seriously you are making yourself look goofy.





"On another note I used about 8 pounds of soda and 40 gallons of water for the solution. "


Hence my commentary of using 5# of HTH to knock it back to 7.


As I said, this is basic chemistry, not rocket science. You don't need to be a boy genius to figure this out.


Your sig says Houston, and you said "SEWER" ... 2+2 logically equals 4. If you are on your own septic like I am...then I don't have a public forum comment for what you did, it surpasses dumping it to a million gallon a day system by a factor that is mind boggling.


You're upset because I don't find what you did funny, or cute in the least.


I'm not on a high horse, I'm being intellectually honest about the situation. If you choose to delude yourself, that's fine.


It's something I would never have done, because it's wrong. If not by Houston Guidelines, if not by Federal Guidelines, by moral guidelines.


I don't see poisioning the planet as humorous. Not in the least. And it's something I can not support or condone.


5# of HTH and a broomstick and none of this conversation would have been needed. And regardless of your take on it, IMO, that course of action was the mature and responsible action to do before sewering it.


And you're arguing that point. This is a point I shall argue no further, to me it's simple black and white.:fmad:

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