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Tranny issue with my daily driver, need help!

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Its a 1995 Saturn sl1, i posted on the saturn forums but they are very slow and i am freaking out, i have three finals this week, work full time, and am barely hanging in there, i know there is a lot of knowledge on this forum and i really hope someone knows whats going on based on thse symptoms


Lately, it has become impossible to get my car in gear, i literally need to use two hand to shove it into gear and when i was driving, the car would only shift into gear at around 1800rpms, it would just drop right in, no grinding, the car also did not grind when forcing into gear initially


i drove from home to school about 45 min, and when i got off the exit, i put the car in nuetral, and after that i coudlnt get the car back into gear, and sat there for 10 minutes, i finally got it to grind into 3rd and barely made it to my building.


Side note - even when it was impossible to shove the car in gear, it did not grind, and when shifting gears, it did not grind, it fell right into gear if i left it pushed against it.


About 5 hours later, i went to my car to get my stuff and just to see, i tried putting the car into gear, and to my disbelief, it went it every gear no issue except for reverse


the car was not running but im almost positive it didnt do this before then


I changed the tranny fluid this weekend, it did not help whatsoever


Does anyone have any clue whats going on?

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a friend of mine had this car and this exact thing happened, her linkages some how got bunched up and pinched and it wouldnt let her move the stick.. a mechanic replaced the links but the synchros where fine, clutch was fine too...

fixed problem... replace linkages... when she moved the stick it felt like you where pushing upagainst something... and had very very little 'play'...

check links mate

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i had this problem on my Z. I had never owned a stick before and one day i went to drive it and I noticed the clutch had no feel to it and the car wouldn't go into gear unless I absolutely FORCED it to (which most of the time i couldn't even do that!). Turns out, I had no fluid in my clutch master cylinder because the clutch slave cylinder was leaking the fluid past the seal.


Hopefully its the same issue for you. Im assuming it shouldnt be too hard of a fix; but then again, I dont know much about saturns.

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Yea, i checked again this morning, the car can go into every gear no issue when the car is off, but once i turn it on, it cant go into any gear, but it can move from right to left no problem. Im gonna start the car in 2nd gear and bring it to mechanic by my school tomorrow morning, hes only about 3 miles away, i think i can make it that far cruising in 2nd.

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I'm curious, any time I had the symptoms described above and the problem was the pressure plate, the symptoms also contained a vicious howl when the clutch was depressed and a very strange pedal feel. Was that not the case with your son's car?



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