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L28 Alternator issues


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i bought a '79 280 and when i got it, it did not have an alternator, and the power steering pump was disconnected. I don't have any reference point to get the car back to where i can run it daily. Could someone maybe give some advice or a great picture of what that area is supposed to look like?

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Have you ordered a haynes manual to match your vehicle?


The ZX alterator is internally regulated, and will only fit on the passenger side of the block, with the stock mounts, One direction. The power steering pump mounts high, on the side of the cylinder head, above the alternator.

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I'll support avoiding the Haynes manual, both because you can download a proper FSM and because Haynes books should be used only for wheel chocks and for starting of a signal fire if you get lost.


You can order an alternator bracket from Motorsport Auto, they can probably help you source power steering stuff as well. They carry the alternator you need, too, or you could go through just about any local parts store.


Why pay for a haynes manual when you could download the FSM from xenons130.com?

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