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Rotisserie Questions


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I am planning on tearing down my 76 2+2, and since my work is nice enough to provide lots of angle iron and a welder, I figured I'd build my own rotisserie--I was hoping maybe some of you guys that have one(Pete? Chris?) could help me out with a few measurements (pivot height, suggested leg width, etc). I know I could probably figure it out, but I was hoping to get a starting point.


Thanks, Jim


BTW--is it going to make a difference on my height since its a 2+2 and has more roof line?

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Guest Anonymous



Pete may have some his drawings and measurements but his rotisserie is still in my basement (I have been meaning to get it back to him for ~6 months now!!).


Anyway, I went out to the garage and pulled some measurements. Keep in mind my car is a '76 280 coupe so there may be some differences. I had a rude awakening as to the differences in the 240 and 280 when I attempted to use Pete's rotisserie. The pivot height on mine is 39 1/2", the width at the base is 4' and the length of the base is 30". My Dad designed my rotisserie along with a buddy of his at work that restores Mustangs. It was built to be able to be used with older Mustangs as well. When I rotate the uni-body around the closest it comes to the floor is 8".


Let me know if there is anything else I can help you out with. I'll check with my Dad and see if he has the plans from which it was built. If he does I can scan them and e-mail to you.



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Thanks, Chris--plans may or may not help--I'm actually thinking of mounting these nice 6" casters I got on it, so the whole thing is portable--I may have to change the layout of the "legs" so that the two ends dont try to go their separate ways once it's got weight on it--either that or a really low tie bar to hold em together


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Guest Anonymous



A tie bar would be a great idea. I have brackets to weld on to create a tie bar but have not had a need for it to date. My garage really is not big and my needs really did not warrant mine being "portable". When I work on the car several days in a row I will check the ends of the rotisserie just to make sure it is not "walking" out. There have been a couple of occasions when I will notice ~1" or so sticking out and I just simply shove it back into place. You will be amazed at just how little the Z car unibody weighs. When I mounted it up on the rotisserie Mike Kelly and I picked up the rear of the car while my Dad slid the rotisserie into place.


I was going down to Richmond this evening to work on some of the control arm components but the chrome moly I ordered did not come in today. I should see my Dad either Wednesday or Thursday and will get the plans if he still has them around.



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Guest Anonymous

I would like those plans as well. I was supposed to be having a rotisserie made but it fell through. I want wheels on mine also.



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Yes, plans would be VERY nice! If you need webspace to make them publicly available, shoot them to me, and as long as there's no copyright infringement, I can host them for all the world to see.


Scott Ferguson

1974 260-Z - Awaiting paint and heart transplant

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Ain't no way mine should be copied. They were thrown together and I was embarrased to see them move from one person to another.


I don't have the sketches handy, but the way I figured the pivot height of the stands was to tape a string to the height on the car (where someone told me the pivot should be) at the center of the car (left right) and stretched the string out to the side in a bunch of angles to see the farthest length from the center to the side of the car. Then I added a foot for clearance.


Note that the 240Z really doesn't have a good place to mount the rotisserie up front - unless you have a 73 with the large bumper brackets - that's how I did that. The 280Z is different. Check my site for some pictures of how Paul Henley mounted his rotisserie to an early Z - it might work well for a 280 as well http://members.home.net/pparaska/rotisserie.htm


Hope that helps,



Pete Paraska - 73 540Z - Marathon Z Project


Pete's V8 Datsun 240Z Pages

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Guest Anonymous

Jim and Craig,


I spoke with my Dad last night and he believes he still has all of the plans and drawings at work. He is supposed to check on them today and if he still has them I will get them tonight and post them on Friday.



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Guest Anonymous

Hey Guys,


I spoke with my Dad over the weekend and he could not find the plans/drawings he had made up for the rotisserie. He did, however, find all of his figures, sketches, etc...and said that he will put everything together so I can get something to you all with the measurements. I have all of his sketches and it really would not do you all any good as I can't make heads or tails of it and have the thing to look at in the garage!!


I have to go out of town for a couple of weeks on a business trip. I will be back on April 6, just "revive" the thread and I'll try to get it all scanned in for you all to take a look at...



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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
Guest Anonymous

Hey guys, to make the rotisserie hieght adjustable, why not use "mobile home jacks"? I've seen these at Lowes and Home Depot. They come in different heights, and are adjustable. I think they are about 3 or 4 inches in diameter. All you would need to do is weld your pivot and bracket to the top flange, and some extensions on the bottom flange to keep it from tipping over. Just an idea.


OK, I just couldn't leave this alone. I had to go find a sit ethat shows some of these. Here it is:web pageThe one at the bottom called the Big Foot looks like it would work without a lot of extra modification. And it has wheels that look like thay are operated by that leaver. The ones I have seen at Lowes are much simpler, cheaper and look like they could be easily added on to.


[ October 09, 2001: Message edited by: Mike Brady ]


[ October 09, 2001: Message edited by: Mike Brady ]


[ October 09, 2001: Message edited by: Mike Brady ]

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Guest Anonymous

I just picked up my rotisserie from jimzdat this weekend. May I say that it is a VERY beefy unit and I expect it to work wonders. It will be a bit longer before I use it but I can't wait. Thanks, Jim!!!

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I made mine up in about 3 hours...attached to the round tubes on the bumper mounts at the front and the bumper mounts at the rear.

Height is 38 inches from ground. Works well enough and cost about $15 dollars and some welding wire.


....have pictures...

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For those that are interested in different designs, check out my homepage (link below)--the one you see there was our basic "prototype"--the one that Craig got is even beefier, and sits on slightly smaller casters for greater stability.

The jacks are a good idea, but if you have the right pivot height to begin with, you shouldn't need em--I think a lot of the rotisseries out there with adjustable height are "universal"--you adapt to fit any vehicle. The one's I've done are specifically for a Z (later model to be exact)--so I wasn't too worried about adjustable height.



Just more input for the conversation,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

Hey, isn't that my exhaust system in the background of the last pic? heheh

Your garage is so EMPTY. Where do you keep your stuff -- like your lawn mower and weed whacker??

I think I need to build a shed.

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