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'75 280Z: Engine Cuts Out & Has Wandering Idle...STRANGE SHIZZ!!!

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I don't really know where to start looking here...the victim is a 1975 280Z.


I started the car this evening, cranked right over and sounded strong, then died within 30 seconds. I started it again and it would crank over, then die, or hold for a few seconds, do a funny idle wandering thing then settle and then choke. Managed to drive it around the neighborhood, but it would still choke and die. Don't really know if it's something electrical or fuel related.


If it's relevant, I just recently purchased the car, with a known issue with the ignition...when I turn the key to the off position, the car won't die and needs a diode wired into the line off the alternator. Just thought maybe the battery was dead, but electrical system seems to be working fine, and the car cranks right over. Also, the previous owner was kinda nonspecific when he mentioned that the emission controls had been removed...

so there's stuff physically cut from the engine harness? Also it has a straight pipe with no cat, if that matters.


Not experienced with Z cars, I'm not sure if any of this sounds familiar. Since I bought it, the car has run strong...this is a recent dilemma, so I can't imagine what was cut was too terribly important, but than again, I DON'T KNOW.


Somebody help a newbie out! I sold a 2002 Civic to buy this Z, haha!

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EFI Bible

Quick search leads to this


Somebody help a newbie out! I sold a 2002 Civic to buy this Z, haha!


To help a newbie out! :unsure:

Just type in 280Z Dies after start.


Also, the previous owner was kinda nonspecific when he mentioned that the emission controls had been removed...

so there's stuff physically cut from the engine harness? Also it has a straight pipe with no cat, if that matters.


I started this a while back, while cleaning up the inside of my engine bay and pretty much overhauling your basic maintenance stuff. I don't know if you have EFI or Carbs, what I do know is you can read through some of that to get an idea of what to search for. All the emissions stuff usually comes down to the Charcoal Canister, Intake Manifold (Does it have EGR?) and all those crispy vacuum lines running all over the place. There is also the Cold Start, Air Regulator which a lot of people and myself delete by having it shaved and welded, JB Weld has been used, in some cases also making block off plates. As far as the exhaust most of that stuff is or will be checked during inspection. I beleive in some states you are not required to have them after a car hits a certain age, I am running a header and side pipe myself for now and can still pass. Just search over these forums with some of those as key words, I'm sure you will find something! Be sure to get some of the basic manuals and also the EFI Bible helped me with alot of stuff.


And welcome! :lol:


PS. If none of this helped at all Im a newbie too. <_<

Edited by ZBoost
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