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The addiction, how it starts, does it stop?


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You know, I was just thinking, I don't know what it is, or why it happened. Many of us just can't get enough of the last letter of the alphabet. YES, the letter Z, and I mean the cars. I got one crazy rusty one, hated it, finally got something else. After that I found I wanted another z. Well, I got it, drove it, found it to be super rusty, wanted a better one. Well I have that better one now, yet I still find myself trying to find another one while the one I have is in the garage. It gets all my time and money, every bit of it. I don't know why, I could have bought a way better, probably faster, car for much less than what I will end up having in this car. Do I really care? No, I spend time arguing with people about how its different, how that money is different than if I used it or less on a already done up car. My life seems to revolve around cars in the first place, I work on cars for a living. I plan on going to school for automotive tech. Then I put all of this cars, into one car, specifically and S30 for me. I don't want an S130, a z32 z32 z33 or any of that. It has to be an S30 for me. How about you, what do you think? How do you feel?



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WOW, i know what you mean. I love s30's and only s30's, if i could make a shop only for z's i would i love them so much. It seems like nobody knows about them around me and when i talk about them nobody seems to understand why i like them so much. I actually get made fun of for how much i am obsessed with them. I am so obsessed i saw one the other day and i was hanging my head out the window of my truck just trying to get a glimpse of it before it drove away. That is the only z i have seen in my area. I could talk all day about them. I wish more people were educated about them i even feel like we need a z awareness month. I cant get enough of them.

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I used to have a Honda CRX that I put a B16 engine into and put together myself which was my first car. A ricer :lol: Hondas are good cars but they are just so played out and have that ricer punk stigma attatched to them. Well life moved on and I ended up selling it. I got this hair brain idea to buy a smog exempt car so I would not have to deal with the notorious California smog regulations. I like imports and casually mentioned a Datsun while talking to my Dad who was in the hospital at the time and he said he remembered when a friend of his bought one brand new when he was in high school and how much it hauled. I never really gave much thought or knew much about Datsuns because I never really see them around much. I checked out the Zs online and was blown away by how awesome this car was and why nobody else seems to know anything about them or chooses them.


I bought my first 280z on Craiglist for practically nothing, it had no engine or transmission in it and I was so excited to get it. I remember sitting in it and feeling like I was in an old Corvette or a Porsche and how sporty the car looked and felt. Then I got this other hair brain idea (I thought) to swap in the notorious RB engine, the king of all import engines and still be street legal. Well come to find out I was not alone and soon after made my home here at Hybrid Z. I would not trade my Z for anything. I now am the proud owner of a 72' 240z with an L24 because my 280z was rear ended and am going to swap my RB and what not over to my new Z. I cant think of anywhere else to go from an RB swapped 240z. The power, the aerodynamics, the aftermarket support, the Z community, the aura, the double takes people on the street give me, the prestige of owning a classic car, the smog exemption, the uniqueness, its all there.


No one understands why I love these cars so much and many people didnt know what I was even talking about when I told them I had bought a Z. Relatives of mine would kind of chuckle when they would ask me how it was going, expecting it to be a dead end and not knowing what an RB or a Skyline is. It was not until I took a few of them on a ride and completely smoked the tires with zero traction in 1st, 2nd, and into third with the turbo howling and the engine screaming at 8k rpm, they finally understood. Now everyone seems to be addicted to the car as much as I am and they are constantly asking whats new with it or when the next aftermarket parts will be purchased. It seems as though the Z is sort of a mysterious car that people dont understand, until the first ride :flamedevi

Edited by jakeoster
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I can't agree more with you guys. My first car was a '77 but was too rusty being it was from Chicago so I sold it and bought an 88' supra turbo. Loved the car to death but it was way to expensive to fix and keep up. sold it and ended up with a '95 J30. The car was comfy but was a tank! I had bought it to be my college car and had only a few weeks before college started so I needed something. Anyways, dad saw how sad I was and said to look for a clean Z and if I found one he'd lend me the money. I flew to Sacramento with dad to see a '78. The guy even met us at the airport :lol: It was sooo clean that we bought it on the spot, stopped at Pep Boys because the tires were shot, and drove her home to southern california. I had that Z for a little over a year but hit a wall with the smog Nazis because I wanted to go turbo. Sold it for my current '75 and am having a blast with it! I do want a 510 wagon but the Z is my project car and won't be sold unless there are extenuating circumstances out of my control.


There's my story about my Z addiction!



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My first Z was a blue 78 with rust and dents everywhere, torn brown interior, bondo falling off it, etc. I loved that car until the day it died - it was brutally murdered by a black bmw while it was parked. After the insurance money finally arrived I drove a few hundred miles and picked up my current orange 78 280z, it was pretty but I had no idea the hellish issues it had lurking under the hood. I had an electrical fire on the way home from one of those aftermarket oil pressure guages that run oil into the interior. 5 motors, 3 parts cars, and several thousand dollars later and the thing is still parked every winter and worked on every summer. I think I honestly enjoy working on it more than I enjoy driving it... I lay awake in bed calculating how much of my next paycheck can go to the Z. Come to think of it I believe I may have a serious psychological affliction here. My name is papasmurf and I am a Z-aholic

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i have been having thoughts about giving up on my z and just buying a fast car of some sort, but within 5 minutes of reading i have been inspired to not abandon my dream. Most night that i sleep i am dreaming about zs, i have this same dream all the time, it is where i have a 240z pearl dark blue and tinted windows with panasports, it has a l28et and i am driving into my school parking lot everyone is standing out side of there cars in groups talking to there friends and as i roll in everone one is just staring at me as i roast the tires off and the rev limiter is poping and cracking as i scream through the parking lot and i drift into my parking spot as the i let off the gas the blow off valve pops and i wake up and realize its just a dream. Then i lay in bed and wish to have another dream of the same nature. I truly love zs i don't know what i would do with out them, is seems like not other car is adequate after seeing a z. I actually hurts my feelings when someone talks down about a z. My friends tell me sometimes ( when i start talking about zs)if there so great why don't you ever see them. they just don't understand, they are so rare around this part of the country, sometimes i wish i lived in California just because of the zs


sincerely Jake

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i have been having thoughts about giving up on my z and just buying a fast car of some sort, but within 5 minutes of reading i have been inspired to not abandon my dream. Most night that i sleep i am dreaming about zs, i have this same dream all the time, it is where i have a 240z pearl dark blue and tinted windows with panasports, it has a l28et and i am driving into my school parking lot everyone is standing out side of there cars in groups talking to there friends and as i roll in everone one is just staring at me as i roast the tires off and the rev limiter is poping and cracking as i scream through the parking lot and i drift into my parking spot as the i let off the gas the blow off valve pops and i wake up and realize its just a dream. Then i lay in bed and wish to have another dream of the same nature. I truly love zs i don't know what i would do with out them, is seems like not other car is adequate after seeing a z. I actually hurts my feelings when someone talks down about a z. My friends tell me sometimes ( when i start talking about zs)if there so great why don't you ever see them. they just don't understand, they are so rare around this part of the country, sometimes i wish i lived in California just because of the zs


sincerely Jake


Man, Come down to Indianapolis. There is a z car club down here. I haven't actually personally met any of the guys but there are a few guys down here. MAG58 Lives in Bloomington, there is a z owner in Fishers, has a turbo 280zx that his dad drove off the showroom floor. If you weren't like an hour and 40 away I would offer to come help. The z's are around. I saw an amazing orange one with Pansports Downtown Indy. Loving it guys, Z-aholics unite!

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MAG58 Lives in Bloomington,



SHHHH... ;) People here like to do mean things to mah cah'.


Madkaw lives in Indy and has a very clean 240 and his daughter is down here at IU with her S130T.

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SHHHH... ;) People here like to do mean things to mah cah'.


Madkaw lives in Indy and has a very clean 240 and his daughter is down here at IU with her S130T.


HA! Dude my 72 bmw 2002 got hit and run, TWICE, in a week. Mean thinks to your car? Nah.


Oh but I may steal it (your car) One problem, I don't know exactly where in Bloomington to look. I will have to listen? To what you ask? The rusting, SHHHHHH, can you hear it?

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Im an outright addict...... no if ands or buts.



My Z has been threw alot of **** with me and is the only thing left that holds any sentimental value.

it may as well be a living breathing thing as far as Im concerned. Im connected to it in a way thats hard to explain.

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I have a deep connection like skib, people ask me if I get lonely when I travel from place to place in my car by myself for racing. I simply answer no because I'm with Z, like its a person. It keeps me company, its kept me going, and to be honest It kept me alive when I was in some very rough patches of my life. Its saved my ass getting away from situations I or my friends needed to get away from quickly. Its past the 3 girlfriend bar, and its here to stay. Everytime I contemplate selling her, I feel like I owe it to Z to be finished and restored to the beauty it could be, no matter what the cost. Its an addiction, and thats an understatement.

Edited by Two80z4me
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I have a deep connection like skib, people ask me if I get lonely when I travel from place to place in my car by myself for racing. I simply answer no because I'm with Z, like its a person. It keeps me company, its kept me going, and to be honest It kept me alive when I was in some very rough patches of my life. Its saved my ass getting away from situations I or my friends needed to get away from quickly. Its past the 3 girlfriend bar, and its here to stay. Everytime I contemplate selling her, I feel like I owe it to Z to be finished and restored to the beauty it could be, no matter what the cost. Its an addiction, and thats an understatement.






lol my Z has been to the 3 GF bar and even up to a fiance bar :lol:



I wouldnt be alive today if it wherent for my Z... in more ways than one.




addiction is defiantly an understatement

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Man, Come down to Indianapolis. There is a z car club down here. I haven't actually personally met any of the guys but there are a few guys down here. MAG58 Lives in Bloomington, there is a z owner in Fishers, has a turbo 280zx that his dad drove off the showroom floor. If you weren't like an hour and 40 away I would offer to come help. The z's are around. I saw an amazing orange one with Pansports Downtown Indy. Loving it guys, Z-aholics unite!

my sister lives in broadripple in indianapolis is that close to where you live

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