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seats are done


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oh i forgot to put on the other post that i'm repainting the car orange really soon.I have a friend who owes mw a favor so he said he's shoot it for me i just have to help with the body work.That will be hopefully done by the end of this month.It'll be about that color orange maybe a bit brighter.

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Thanks, he might do another kit in different colors but i'd have to ask and how much it would be to do it.It took him a while cuz he had alot to do.But he did do a great job, they are much different in the bottoms than the originals.I think i'm gonna have him do my doors too he still owes me so the interior should be all hooked up soon. smile.gif The seats are the best thing inside now i have to catch the rest of the car up to them

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Hell yea I love those. If your friend decides to do a kit let me know on a price. I have some stock seats and some racing seats that both need recovered. Dont have any idea what the price will be like I alredy have the material for the racing seats though anybody know what labor might run me when I get them done. Thanks

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