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The official: "I had one of those once..." thread


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Yea, I always love when people say, "Man, those cars are fast!" I always think, no... not really. I'd get waxed by some mini-vans:)


I was pulling into a parking space and 2 guys walked by and one said, "260Z! I test drove one of those when they were brand new.... It was fast!"

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Yea, I always love when people say, "Man, those cars are fast!" I always think, no... not really. I'd get waxed by some mini-vans:)


I was pulling into a parking space and 2 guys walked by and one said, "260Z! I test drove one of those when they were brand new.... It was fast!"




Oh many so many old people think that they are fast and they aren't. I have old guys leave notes asking hey wanna sell it gimme a call ... Then They find out its turbo and think I'm speaking another language.

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Old Man: I used to have one of those.

Me: Yeah they're fun little cars

Old Man: I totaled mine.

Me: Well, sometimes too fun.

Old Man: ...





The vast majority of "normal" people have no idea what "fast" is. They think fast is anything that looks sporty.


I had a friend who bought a bug and said it was fast. I think that a better way of looking at it is people think a car is fast if it's a stick. When they drive it, somehow being able to control the shift points makes the car fast, and when they see a manual car, they assume it's because it's a race car or something. I also knew a guy that said he wanted to race me before even seeing my car. I asked him how he was so confident when he didn't know what I drove, and he said something like "Well, my car is pretty fast, I mean it's a matrix, so..." At the time I had never even heard of one, and when I saw the car needless to say, it was hard to contain myself.

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Old Man: I used to have one of those.

Me: Yeah they're fun little cars

Old Man: I totaled mine.

Me: Well, sometimes too fun.

Old Man: ...







I had a friend who bought a bug and said it was fast. I think that a better way of looking at it is people think a car is fast if it's a stick. When they drive it, somehow being able to control the shift points makes the car fast, and when they see a manual car, they assume it's because it's a race car or something. I also knew a guy that said he wanted to race me before even seeing my car. I asked him how he was so confident when he didn't know what I drove, and he said something like "Well, my car is pretty fast, I mean it's a matrix, so..." At the time I had never even heard of one, and when I saw the car needless to say, it was hard to contain myself.


Bahahahaha, granted I do not own a fast car. Some guy in his grand am with dual fart cannons raced me the other day. Lets see, your car, RB26z.... Matrix.... Matrix = Toasted.

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Yea, I always love when people say, "Man, those cars are fast!" I always think, no... not really. I'd get waxed by some mini-vans:)

Hahaha I've thought this oh so many times...


Another thing people say "Oh the cars use to be much faster than they are today..."

B-F'in-S!!! Maybe it was fast back in the day when they thought 14 secs in the quarter was fast or that it could do a burnout with 5" wide tires.... Im calling out all cars muscle, import everything. If you lined up say a stock camaro old vs new with the new would be as fast if not faster than the older one. The difference between the two being the newer one has better technology and operates more efficiently.

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I think in different cars you feel speed in different ways, I notice in My Bug it feels like I'm going fast when I shift at high rpms because the thing kicks around like a horse haha. There have been threads discussing the whole "Butt dyno" etc. Also I think the size of the car and Height of the car plays a part too, If your in a big tall truck going 50 it feels different when your in a low compact car going 50.

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I think in different cars you feel speed in different ways, I notice in My Bug it feels like I'm going fast when I shift at high rpms because the thing kicks around like a horse haha. There have been threads discussing the whole "Butt dyno" etc. Also I think the size of the car and Height of the car plays a part too, If your in a big tall truck going 50 it feels different when your in a low compact car going 50.

Yup the more unstable a car is... adds to the "out of control" feel and makes you think your going faster than you really are.


Older cars were fast? Naaa just had a piss poor suspension setup and narrow tires.

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Well, some older cars were pretty fast, it's just hard to tell the difference because they looked similar and there were a dozen engine options for each model. Keep in mind they were stock production cars (although a 68 dart with fixed glass and no passenger seat is hardly that). For some reason an auto company can't make a reliable speed demon that's reproducible. Look how much effort they had to put into the veyron (what a pathetic attempt)??



I think in different cars you feel speed in different ways, I notice in My Bug it feels like I'm going fast when I shift at high rpms because the thing kicks around like a horse haha. There have been threads discussing the whole "Butt dyno" etc. Also I think the size of the car and Height of the car plays a part too, If your in a big tall truck going 50 it feels different when your in a low compact car going 50.



True story. Lower to the ground really makes a difference. When I rode my go kart it felt like I was on a rocket, although 45mph is pretty fast, for a go kart. And on top gear a lot of times they'll talk about a fast car not being fun to drive, like comparing a super exotic with a corvette and saying in the exotic you don't feel fast or in control with all the traction control and smooth suspension etc., versus driving by the seat of your pants.



As soon as I got my 74' running I got pulled over every week for the first 4 weeks for careless/reckless driving (burnouts, 20-30MPH over the limit, etc) and I never got a single ticket. All the cops stopped me (one even followed me home and didn't turn his blue lights on until I got on my street) and just talked about how much they liked my car. Which is good because I had the Mustang before and was told if I got one more ticket I'll lose my license, lol.


Man I wanna live where you live. It's ridiculous down here, my city cops are usually okay but the majority that come from our neighbor are complete a-holes.


Epilogue: I was turning down my street once just a tad fast perhaps (probably looked way faster because of my super fast looking car and also suspension bottoming out in the flood gutter) and a cop stopped me and kept going on like "Are you pregnant?? Have you been shot?? Is someone dying?? Is your house on fire??" and on and on and on. Another time a cop stopped me late at night because I burned a little rubber and thinking I was drunk, turned out he was from my town (although the entire force showed up because they had nothing better to do). Technically I was over the border so they had to call the presiding law and wait. They were all if these guys don't show up in ten minutes we'll just let you go, and sure enough they showed at the last second. Made me call my parents to try to embarrass me, wtf? I'm 23 years old, at what point does my old man stop being my keeper??

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G-Force. acceleration... thats what makes a car fast in my opinion... feeling some serious g's when flooring the gas. Not so much "chirping the tires", any car can do that... Trust me ANYTHING can do a burnout... haha you just have to get creative if it doesnt have alot of power...

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G-Force. acceleration... thats what makes a car fast in my opinion... feeling some serious g's when flooring the gas. Not so much "chirping the tires", any car can do that... Trust me ANYTHING can do a burnout... haha you just have to get creative if it doesnt have alot of power...


Not in my Beetle, At least on Blacktop, Dirt it does alright haha. But I agree fast for me is a Lot of G-forces and acceleration all that stuff that gets the adrenaline going :D

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a Lot of G-forces and acceleration all that stuff that gets the adrenaline going :D



It helps if you clench your teeth, open your mouth real wide, and push back into the seat real hard as you stomp the throttle. Although it might look pretty funny if your car is actually quite slow in everyone else's opinion. :P

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