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wiring MS onto a l28et


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I just purchased a MS_1 v2.2 and am curious to how everyone wired their megasquirt into their cars. I am new to MS and could use all the help i can get. Also im not sure how to wire the ignition side to run the MSnS extra code to run my ignition system. Again thanks for any help.. also if you guys don't mind pics would help greatly, im just curious as to how you guys wired up your cars.. thanks..

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This question is like asking how everyone drives to work each day, and hoping that it applies to you. Each go a different way, but they all start at home, and end at work. Start with the megamanual, the diagrams, and plan a route that is best for you. Mine worked for me but might not be everyone else's ideal. COngrats on choosing MS. It works well and is fairly easy to get working, despite what it looks like when you read all the literature.


You want pics? Here, I hope they help. They are pretty gory.











Edited by cygnusx1
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