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Name that part thread

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I know this is a pretty lame thread that is almost entirely based off my lack of interest in the electrical system of my bastard 260z car, but I'm not sure about 2 of these. But since I'm doing it, other people can chime in with parts they have no idea what they are.


This may be a horrible idea too but who knows


The red is fusible links for I think Ignition and something that escapes my memory, the Blue circle is my external voltage regulator that is going to be removed once I hook up my 280zx turbo alt



Have no idea what this is, I think it's the charging relay



I have no idea what this is


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All these questions can be answered by spending a little time with the FSM and wiring diagram. I have an early '74 which had a few electrical problems (mostly due to PO laziness and ignorance). I spent a day or more tracing wires and figuring out what everything is and does on this car. "Lack of interest" doesn't excuse you from putting in the effort.


Pic 1: Red is fusible links and blue is the interlock relay, NOT the voltage regulator.


Pic 2: That's your voltage regulator, the charge relay is integral with the assembly.


Pic 3: Emergency switch, refer to the FSM for its complete function. It essentially bypasses the safety interlock.

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Okay, not to threadjack, but it's kinda related. What is the Rope looking seal around the doors called and where can I get it? All the stuff at the junkyard Z's are all trashed around here... I couldn't find it on Ebay either. Anyone know? I think it goes over a body seam...



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