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Everything posted by Stivva

  1. The car is looking great Rev! Good to see some more recent shots of the old girl
  2. That may be a little harsh. I bought my car smashed. But I got quotes from a reputable body shop before I handed of the cash. That way I was certain that I knew the car I was buying could fixed, properly and came in under my budget
  3. I advanced the timing a few degrees. Still was not perfect but I ran out of light to advance and road test again.
  4. Where should my timing be set? SHould it be advanced or retarded at all???
  5. Hi Guys, I finally got my 260z in a drivable state. I took it down to my local exhaust shop but she struggled to get going and get up the hill in my estate. Once she was up and going she ran great, but getting up to speed was a struggle. The car idles great, and seems to have enough fuel, water temps normal as is oil pressure. Can you offer me any suggestions of what to look at to rectify this problem? The car is a 260z, L28, 5 speed, Twin SU round tops, no A/C Thanks in advance
  6. Looks like the new girl is a solid foundation to start the new build with!
  7. I like it. Have you a photo of how it was when you purchased it?
  8. How much your radiator? I was thinking either pwr or a desert cooler
  9. That's so mint. It's go that tough but not perfect look to it
  10. Ratzed in action

  11. Any of you guys restored or modified your interior hatch areas? I am looking for some inspiration. Photos taken from the rear with the hatch open are requested (If you would be kind enough).
  12. What colour is the tail light bezel? Can you share a paint code?
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