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Everything posted by zguy240

  1. Got one in Los-Angeles $45 shipped. Zguy240@gmail.com have paypal.
  2. How much do you want to pay 818 298-2549.
  3. I have a round port headers on Ebay made by Pace Setter.
  4. I have one from a 75 280z $55 shipped, paypal ready in Los-Angeles Zguy240@gmail.com
  5. I have a R180 diff with 4.38 gears, asking $150 plus shipping in Los-Angeles. Zguy240@gmail.com
  6. I have a brand new round port headers made by Pace setter has two places where you can install the egr. can send pics.Zguy240@gmail.com.
  7. I have two hoods one from a 240z and one from 280z vented type both in excellent condition 818 298 2549 in Socal.
  8. Got a camshaft, in Glendale 818 298-2549 $25.
  9. I have a R200 3,90 gears in great condition asking $150 plus shipping I am in Los-Angeles have paypal Zguy240@gmail.com.
  10. I have a 2+2 flywheel for you I am in Glendale CA call 818 298-2549.
  11. Saw one one in junk yard yesterday if interest give me a call could pick it up I am in Glendale CA. 818 298-2549.
  12. I have the unit and I also have the oil line to the Turbo.$10 for the oil distribution $20 for the oil line. Zguy240@gmail.com.
  13. yes they are included the flanges. 818 298-2549 cell.
  14. I have the oil shaft only $35 shipped Zguy240@gmail.com
  15. I have a set in great shape asking $200 shipped have paypal.Zguy240@gmail.com
  16. I have a few crank pulleys $40 plus shipping in Los-Angeles 818 298-2549.
  17. I have a hood with a slight damage in the center, easy fix for $50 I am in Glendale 818 298-2549
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