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Everything posted by toolman

  1. toolman


    From the album: toolman

    Left side suspension mocked up
  2. toolman


    From the album: toolman

    Using a plume to establish center line
  3. toolman


    From the album: toolman

    Establishing datum line to take measurements from.
  4. toolman


    From the album: toolman

    a Alining subframe to body shell
  5. The following photos show mocking up the crossmember mounting to the frame rails. The frame was leveled and checked for squareness. Then it was welded together. Next step is to mount the frame to the utilized body.
  6. I researched all methods of mounting the engine crossmember to frame rails(both untilized or steel tubing construction. Everyone notched the frame rail to mount the crossmember. This method requires a lot of time and effort so I decided on a simpler method. I relocated the two mounting bolt holes about 3/4" inward. See photo. This method does require two holes drilled on the top of the frame rail to install frame bolts. I drilled two 1" holes directly over the crossmember bolts(inside the frame tube). Caps will cover the assess holes to prevent water from entering in.
  7. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  8. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  9. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  10. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  11. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  12. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  13. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  14. toolman


    From the album: toolman

  15. Another view of the new front frame connector. Next step is to weld up the frame rail to firewall. Then, attach the sheetmetal side apron to the frame rails.
  16. The front frame rail checked with bubble level. Level check was done sidewards for both front and rear section of the frames rails. Rignt side frame was checked for levelness. Left side rail checked levelness too. Both rails were also checked for squareness. This is done both measuring diagonally the opposide cotners of the frame rails. A new 2 1/2" tubing was cut to join the two frame rails together at the front.
  17. toolman


    My 1971 Datsun 240Z sat in my garage for 34 years waiting to be restored. I had planned to do it when I retired in two more years. But when one of my friends wanted to buy the Chevy 350 engine out of the Z. I decided to let him have it. I had already decided to go to LS3 crate motor any way. My Z has a 350 with 600 Carter AFB with a T-5 5 speed manual transmission and R200 rear end. I plan to do a complete restoration(using a rotisserie).
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