Step 7. Test install the LCA and sway bar to ensure that both plates are roughly in the same plane (beat with a BFH until they are), and are not too far apart. Though the rod ends do allow for misalignment, there is a limit, especially with such small rod ends.
Putting the sway bar and LCA approximately as they will sit after installation, mark a line vertically approximately in the centre of the LCA, at the same longitudinal position as the original sway bar mount.
Step 8. Remove the LCAs and work out how much flat you want. Trim anything you don't. On an S30 the sway bar has quite a bit of free movement without interference (or so I think at this stage?), so as long as you trim both LCAs the same, you should be ok. Make sure you leave enough flat to drill a hole for the rod end to be bolted.
Step 9. Drill a hole in the LCAs' flat appropriately on the marked line, to replicate the factory mounting position. You can then drill as many holes on either side as you can fit. I tried to allow for both more and less roll stiffness, so I have holes in either side.
Step 10. Cleanup the flat, and hit it with the spray can.
Step 11. Remove the sway bar and repeat steps 8-10 for the sway bar flats.
Step 12. Install the sway bar and LCA. Bolt one rod end into the holes replicating the stock sway bar position to start with. If nothing else, this will verify that the tiny rod ends are strong enough to not get ripped apart. When bolting into the other side, adjust the rod end as necessary to ensure the sway bar is not preloaded. I.e. don't heave down on the sway bar to get the bolt holes to line up.