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Everything posted by Len
Cool Randy!...hopefully you can get it back on the racetrack again..
Also, if you ever had a power steering leak...now is the time to install new seals.
Are you using Halteck now Scotty? Good to see your post its been years... But that could be my fault ...this is first time I've been on in nearly a year.
I really don't see the benefit of using the p90a hydralic setup...no adjustability, don't know of anywhere you can buy (new)replacement hydralic lifters..and I've found they do wear out...and make noise. If I were you put back the N42 rockers so you can at least adjust the valves...and would mate up better but I haven't looked into replacement parts for the N42 head so if you were putting together a bebuild engine and the N42 parts are worn..I'd try and find a good match were you can install NOS parts...my 2cents Also on those hydralic lifters if they were sitting you may need to prime them with oil to get the air out
Blake I'll try to be there Friday night (5/19). I'll call you if I can.... All I can say is awhsome good strong numbers... Len
Cool Yasin..alot of history on the Toyota your father had..I liked them too (like a MR2 better, I'm a small car kinda guy)... In a short time the new will wear off and you'll get thousands of them on the road..but from all reports $3 per gallon fuel is not that far away....Don't sell your Z
Good News! I called this morning....Denis answered...said was down in Ocala/Bellview FL. area (where he was from) picking up cars. He gave me a UPS tracking # should arrive Friday.... Guess I was jumping the gun....I live by treating everyone as I would want to be treated...and I would have returned phn. calls if I had someones money.....or if I had shipped his items......but not everyone is wired on the same circut... We'll see what I recieve...
Yep...I paid him $265 uspmo express mail which he signed for last thursday 4/6/06....otherwise you are right...I wouldn't worry about it...
getting a bit more worried called every day all I get is answering machine...last contact was friday 4/7/06....hey guess live and learn...I have a few more ideas so haven't given up...... he just may be busy?...its early yet I may be jumping the gun...mother always says: "expect the best but prepare for the worst!"......
Just wondering if anyone around Acworth GA. ever do business with this guy. He's a mechanic and works on Datsuns..... Name is Denis A. Jones....don't get me wrong. Nothing bad has happened yet..... Just in process of buying some SU carbs from him and courious If he has any type of reputation....good or bad. You can E-mail me if you like Thanks for any info. Len
Thanks 510 for your input.....Hot Dam! If I know Blake....your post is going to spool him up faster than the N20 ........with regards to installing it on his Z From what I understand they have 4, 6 and 8 cylinder N20 systums. My question is could a person buy say just one "wet" systum for example a fogger type. Then be able to install it in either 4, 6, 8 cylinder engines? I would think you would need a plate to place under the 4 barrel if being used for a carborated. then say drill and install a jet after the TB (or before I wouldn't know) in our turbos or FI engines. Then use less of a shot for smaller engine and larger shot for bigger engines? thanks
Thanks for the information Alf....I plan on trying that out Len
Blake I'm amazed at what you say!... Personally since I'm not that up on NOS or MS ..I would think the wet kit would be a good idea as just a double safety measure... knowing you WILL have enough fuel at time you spray. I guess you having those larger injectors... dry wouldn't/shouldn't be a problem either. You burn't out a GM HEI distributor every 20 miles??? why? ouch! Again all the versitility of this MS...I'm wondering if I should do the 300 zxt ECU switch afterall...bottom line I just need more time to work on my car. Maybe since you have the newer model MS not too many people have walked the path you are about to travel...so you can be the GUIDE..your thoughts sound right on....carry on Kemosabie
HA! Yea Baby! perfect combo don't know the answer but just had to chime in. I've read the same solution for turbo lag...except I would think you would calabrate the NOS systum to do the amount of shot and at what time...could possibly use a rpm index but at take off you would go over said rpm revving up before launch....would think you need to also have it tie in with boost psi?? or time delay after you let out your clutch.....May just have to predetermine the safe amount of shot and use manual button after every shift.... Just thinking out loud... Have you addressed your MS gremlins you had issues with earlier?
Wow Yasin! That 260 looks real fast just standing still! I have been off our hybridz site for awhile; torn between completing trim work on a few rooms in my house (which I promised my wife 18 years ago I would do) and buying a $250 88 Toyota MR2 (I would like to convert for AutoX). Every time I start surfing this site again I just get goosebumps and want to get back to work on my Z's...(I bought a wrecked $300 88 300ZXT with the electronics to ungrade my 280zxT ECU and use MAS ) just gotta find time...as someone said...to many projects not enough time! Brad; call around at the salvage yards from time to time you may get lucky. But as the artical said watch out for unknown 2nd hand I/C's a wreck could have lodged some crap in it to later come out in your lovely engine!!!!
That is very interesting....wonder if my NPR I/C would be considered a "truck I/C" The guy covers allot of inportant points.....remembering he is selling I/C's so therefore he would naturally be trying to push his style. On the other hand if he built them he would naturally built the best type he could build! I bought the NPR because @ $150 I got the best bang for the buck!!! Thanks Brad
Yep....worth it if you can use it and as sparks says its compatable. As you described it ...it sounds in ok condition if no play side to side or up and down and spins freely.
You know Joshua...$79 for the spider extra as compaired to aound $200 to $229 for the a-5 looks pretty attractive. I guess he may lose some of the good things the A-5 has to offer (or the 98 for that matter). Good point with regard to type of balls...we used to buy at wal-mart since they were cheaper. I don't understand difference between C02 as compaired to compressed air. I just thought c02 was those little bottles you insert into the end of the gun like ones used to air up MTB's. Thought compressed air would be alot cheaper over time since I figure possibly they have Scrader valves you just air up at say a gas station or use a tirepump. I saw a spider extra remanufactored for $49...if they shoot just as fast and are just as accurate might be an option for me to buy to play with my son. Along with my son to buy too. He just played a few times at his friends house who has a great speedball as well as bit varied terrain. I looked for the JT Spectra could not find that item. Keith, yea my son has played at wild west many times...he really liked it. now he is playing at his friends house. Len
Rich That's very good information I can use....What are some "good" masks. Here in Oklahoma I guess he would need one to have the option to attach a fan? that 888paintball.com was the first site I visited .."Jude" reccomended the A-5 "powerpack" package...$275 (mask..looks like a scott not sure how good it is tank...don't know size and a loader ) not sure of lengh of barrel...need to call to find out. Thank you for your insight Len
Thanks Mike...is it worth going with the A-5 as compaired to the Custom 98?
Thanks for the info. Jolane.. Yea..was told Tippmann was good. A salesman said should go with the A-5 because its alot better bang for buck as compaired to say the Model 98 ( more expensive too!). Guy says the A-5 is alot more user friendly, durable, could dissassemble/fieldstrip in seconds, and upgradeable. What type of Spider do you have?..do you have your canister connected to your gun or do you use a hose....what lenght of barrel or do you use multi barrels for different situations? As you can see I'm trying to learn...compaired to the old guns about 7 years ago...paintball has gotten as specialized as real firearms! My son plays a bit of speedball but I believe he will play in "wooded areas" as you...I am looking at action village to get educated as I type. After my son decides on a gun..have you tried e-bay..any deals there?
Good job Sean! I have an 88 300zxt ecu I plan to install...You have really widened and improved our options. Thanks Len
I am looking to buy a paint ball marker for my 17 yr. old son Can anyone reccomend any paintball gun...around $200 price range. Seems like the Tipmann A-5 is the best buy so far...havent looked at the Trilogy composition or auto cocker trilogy ..or Black dragon yet.. Any ideas or personal experiance would be appreciated. Len
Looks great Moby...you routed I/C piping exactly as I did..used same 2nd gen bov ..I have a bit more room with the 83 280zxt but still tight fit...love the I/C I think the best bang for your buck until I guess when you really go very high cfm/hp (340 rwhp+). Besides the puller fan...I also installed an additional pusher fan along with an oil cooler (oil cooler installed in front pass wheelwell to avoid more obstructions before radiator) for the hot Oklahoma summers....Note I have air contitioning so cool air has to travel thru both my I/C and air cond fins before rad...Your gonna love it!
Any of you with Dynomax Bullet mufflers? (Jersey you around?)
Len replied to a topic in Turbo / Supercharger
I love my dynomax 3" straight thru...I do have an exaust tip which quiets it perfect. Good rumble yet not obtrusive ....at times I don't even have my radio on it sounds soooooo good! I even installed a 2 1/2" dynomax on my Fiat 4 cylinder its louder since it is N/A...I also use a tip although I think at my age I should add another straight thru to get it a tad bit quieter...When your Fiat car is louder than your sons then adjustments need to be made.