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Everything posted by xxjoeyxxeb

  1. Those Arizen seats looks like a good buy. Anyone know on comfyness?
  2. Can anyone do a dark green, like British Racing?
  3. No apology needed. It didn't sound directing to me at all, I asked which I should get, and I got the answer I was looking for. I'm saving my money for an arsenal of tools for my life. Any suggestion from you, and many others on the board, is taken very seriously and thankfully.
  4. Thank you, I think I can get by with using the dura block set and buying some of the rolls of sandpaper.
  5. Hey guys, I've been saving up some money to buy tools to get started on my bodywork, but I am trying to figure out which type of sanders to buy. I have limited budget, and here are two types I'm looking at. I've seen both used on TV shows and stuff, but the soft colored ones seem so expensive, is it ok to get the black kit? http://www.eastwoodco.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=1703&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=516&iSubCat=517&iProductID=1703 http://www.eastwoodco.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=16399&itemType=PRODUCT&iProductID=16399 Thanks for any help, I'll keep searching too
  6. I plan on getting one as soon as I get some money. Might have to wait til January now.
  7. No car, but I beleive the first Gone in 60 Seconds they drive by a big Datsun building.
  8. I can't wait till I get my own lots of money... I'm jealous of you all!
  9. I was posting what I GOT, if I posted my wish list the hybridz.org bandwidth would be exceeded.
  10. My favorite things! Feel free to post your own Christmas presents.
  11. Looks great, very jealous. Is that your booth, or a friends, or a shops? Did you spray it?
  12. Wow, it is very inspiring to see your progress. I bought my car a year ago, and have slowly been working on it since. But I also gotta do school stuff and work to slowly save money. But my project from now to whenever is the body (paint), underside, and interior. Hopefully it'll be done in a year, but I dunno...
  13. I asked him about this about 2 months ago, since its the same year and desitnation of my Z, but he was reluctant and didn't know anything about the engine. Said it came out of a friends truck. He didn't know what truck, mileage, or anything. He said it needs tranny lines, driveshaft, dist, and some minor things. After overcoming the lack of knowledge of the engine itself, it is a good buy for the new bolt ons, the rims and tires, air dam, and clean body.
  14. What about trying to "extend" everything thats already there? I think the shape of the bottom is great, but I do see how you think its too high. It would be cool if it were about 4-5" longer all the way around from the rear of the fender flares and the middle of the back. Could have a hole cutout for the exhaust or just a big cut out. If its too plain, add some small meshed slots like the back of your fenders that are horizontal..
  15. My girlfriends philipino. Her family talks tagalog around me when they talk about me. Some words are like spanish so I hear some stuff.
  16. HAHA, in theory... Moment = Force x Distance thats the basic equation and easiest to solve. (trust me I took Statics twice) But in Dynamics we have done some simple automotive applications, but nothing too in depth. But I do know that the radius of things do affect rotational velocity and moments and forces needed to move them after overcoming friction.... so all these tie into play. Gotta go do my Dynamics homework now... I will be doing a project on a couple automotive applications as I can relate to Dynamics due next Friday so hopefully I can do something that'll help us figure some numbers out, but I don't think we've been taught the skills for some of the in depth topics we're discussing.
  17. Hey guys, I have just taken Statics and currently in dynamics for mechanical engineering and I can say that many rotating objects are described by Force*Distance, which is a moment. The smaller distance means a smaller moment, which can explain some of the wheel sizing. Weight and angular velocities, and so many other things can affect all the variables you've been talking about. But main concepts are smaller radius and less weight do require less torque to have the same force.
  18. I've been trying to get a shipping quote on their fiberglass hood for 3 weeks and they still haven't gotten the price yet.
  19. Don't really have a gf anymore, but we're still around all the time, and she can't wait to tear down the road when I get the V8 in and the car is "done". Even though its in rough shape now, she loves going on cruises in it with me. My Dad, the one who got me into cars with all of his, helps me out all the time. My mom, worried I'm gonna fail out of school and go broke, she's kinda right..
  20. I thought it was funny how they said they were gonna put a Chevy into the Mustang so it will run right.... haha
  21. Thanks, Ya, I have some old panels I'm gonna put some dents in and completely do what I need to to the Z before I attack that.
  22. I'm sure he doesn't mind at all. I know I like to help out whenever I can, but I dont have the knowledge as many people on this site have, yet..
  23. Yes, RacerX is amazing. But I have bugged him a lot lately, and I'm sure other people have PMed him, this is just to help lower his PM intake/day.
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