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Everything posted by DRTY260Z

  1. The way I got mine in was with a sledgehammer (a really big one) when that didn't work I bugged the Sh*t out of my friends until they gave me the finger and kicked out of their house and to stop bugging them, as this was happening they told me whose building the car me or them... And to figure it out on my own...just like they did. j.k What you can also do is bolt up an older 350 trans and buy the special torque converter if you are willing to live without the o/d
  2. Hey Phil, maybe you should audition for a beer commercial
  3. Actually I need the armrests.
  4. A little too much for me.. http://cgi.ebay.com/Datsun-240z-Interior-Door-Panels-Black-Rare-NOS_W0QQitemZ220117378847QQihZ012QQcategoryZ6763QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Power Sleep or in front of Computer?
  6. meat all the way baby.. money or hapiness?
  7. Natural Ferrari Hot or Cold weather?
  8. Honda (car) Suzuki (bike) Baseball or Football?
  9. Bubble wrap (pop pop) Apples or Oranges?
  10. Frijoles Flaming Hot Cheetos or Flaming Hot Fritos?
  11. Old school with a deep lip chocolate or vanilla?
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