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Everything posted by DRTY260Z

  1. What do you guys think, should I go for it or not.. Good day, My name is Steve Nupp.I am a freelance researcher.I would be very interested in offering you a part-time paying job in which you could earn alot.I just resigned my job at a textile company i work for which is ADIRE CLOTHING & TEXTILE but i still work as a freelance consultant for the instistute which gives me very much time to do my own work .Being a freelance researcher who could be employed by research institutes to do research projects anywhere in the world., However my funding were by my American counterparts which sent me the bunch of payments mostly in US based Checks. Getting an accountant in the states or opening an account would have been my best choice but I have a deadline to meet and taking any of those choices would cost me time and a whole lot of other requirements I am not ready to deal with as I would be traveling a lot in the meantime. So presently, assuming you would be able to deal with cash, I would be willing to employ you on contract basis to be my payment representative back in the states, this way I could issue and make these Checks out to you, you could then cash them easily, deduct 10% of the total amount on these Checks as your commission and then send the rest back to me through Western Union Money Transfer.If you wish to work for us please email us the following informations and further informations will be sent to you. 1)Contact Name 2)Physical address 3)Phone number 4)Age 5)Marital Status 6)Sex I will appreciate if you can email be back to me personal email,(steve_nupp101@yahoo.com) I will be there waiting on your reply.. Sincerely, STEVE NUPP CEO N/NFABRICS AND TEXTILES
  2. Me and my brother and his friends belong to club called "Dirty Mojados" which translates to "Dirty Wetbacks" since were Mexicans,so DRTY260Z for my 260z
  3. Nice very nice! What kind of front bumper is that, and who makes it, looks sweet..
  4. Nevermind. Looking closely it seems it's just the tape from the stick-on wheel weights, my bad.
  5. Below where the tire has the hole the rim looks like it has a deep scratch, looks like something hit both the tire and the rim, unless i'm seeing things..
  6. Hey, those look like the sportmax 002 wheels
  7. CONGRATS!! Ready for the next one
  8. V8 DATZUN, Your right i thought about that too. That's why i was trying to see if any of you guys had heard about this material being used on cars in the race track, if so, then that way i can put it on my car and have something different than the common used steel braided hose.
  9. Not at this moment but if you do a search I posted a pic of them
  10. I have a set of black ones on my 260 with tire sizes front 225/50/15 rear 265/50/15 (with coilovers) i like the way they look and i get lots of compliments
  11. www.raceonusa.com Has Oem Carbon Fiber Hoods In Ontario. Ca. They're Going For About $500
  12. Hey guys what's up. I have a quick question, I went to the local performance shop to buy some steel braided fuel hose for the line going from the fuel pressure regulator to the carb. The guy I usually deal with is out on vacation, so this other salesman tried to sell me this other product that is just as good as the steel braided version. Which consist of a nylon braided hose, that suppose to be the same as steel braided only that it doesn't attract as much heat, and it's track legal. Just triyng to find out if any of you guys heard of this product. Oh and its made by Russell. Here is a pic of the hose.
  13. Well Z-Gad there you go, I was thinking of putting a transbrake
  14. Hey Scottie, The tranny is an automatic from B&M
  15. That's right John. 1/8th & 14 mile. And with what you guys are telling me I'll probably go with the r200
  16. Hey guys thanks for all the feedback. Ledphoot is right this is my first project on a Z, but not on a budget.. What I meant was that the car is only going to see the track and not a daily driver. It will be seeing alot of hard launches and abuse in the track. I'm used to working on mustangs, camaros, etc. which have solid rear axles and work great, just thought that the small (stock r180) irs wouldn't handle all the abuse it's going to see in the near future. And as far as hp goes I might go with a twin turbo set-up for some serious abuse. SAM
  17. try this one http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=1491867331
  18. It would have better with some turbo-boost action...
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