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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. In terms of bang-for-the-buck time spent, I have to say i'm getting on board the clean center section, painted accent train. I think a gold/bronze color would look very nice, in fact i'm 100% sure I've seen that wheel in that color configuration on a Z31 at some point. The charcoal/gunmetal color is very clean also. Leaving a "polished lip" on that wheel would look contrived, since it's so high offset and clearly isn't a distinct lip. I think it would get old for you after awhile. If these are temporary wheels, maybe you should make them as unnatractive as possible to motivate you to replace them? just a thought...

  2. If you look closer, my first advice was just clean them up and call it a day :wink:


    as for doing murals, here's the one i was describing:


    just regular acrylic paint for the color, detail is from a sharpie pen. This one's destined to be a coffee table in my office, but you get the idea.


  3. I think it's too much black personally. It's my opinion that spray-painted factory wheels will always look like spray-painted factory wheels-I prefer them to just look normal but clean. A wheel with that much flat space is just begging to get a mural put on it. If that were my car, I'd probably get a bunch of touch up paint and paint some samurai and some oni on there or something. Which incedentally is what i'm doing on my leftover Western Cyclone wheels.

  4. And I hope you don't mind me expanding off of your design.

    Considering i didn't design the zzzap graphic arrangement either, it would be kind of silly for me to mind. I'm all for it, throw some pics up when you're done.

  5. I doubt you'd be in serious danger of getting sued....


    Right on with doing something different though. I find the gun pattern a little busy, but i also find myself hopelessly out of fashion (according to my wife :wink:) these days so you may not want to listen to me. If you're going to lay that stripe on your own, you'll want to take into account the stencil method. White doesn't like to go over the top of black (and stay white) very much, so if you're concerned about it you'll be taping off the guns after you've laid down a white strip. The amount and regular repeating of the guns means that you're in for a ton of work, and that's just for one side. I recommend coming up with your own pattern, and not having it be so uniform purely for ease of application. Something I was thinking about last weekend was that It might be cool to get some glossy black vinyl to make some graphics over my car's flat black paint (not an idea that is original to me, just one i was thinking of going with), and let the difference in specularity illustrate the pattern. I'm not sure what I'd do with it, but I definitely thought about it.


    I just went to the Rogue Status website, and I prefer the "death to rogue status" bombs dropping pattern personally.

  6. That really doesn't look all that bad for $450...I got mine for $200 and it was in a lot worse shape than that. In regards to the PMs, I'd be curious to check out your car when I'm in town. I'm in Orlando most of the week, so when I do get home I tend to spend most of my time with my wife on the weekends. I've been meaning to plan a get together with my car buddies soon though...I bumped into my Nemesis last weekend and he told me that he's thinking of doing a 1UZ-FE into his 83 Celica Supra...I'm not sure my turbo would be enough to hold all that off.

  7. It's a tossup for me...either Lancia Stratos (like this one I saw for sale in Palm Beach for like $280k):



    or more realistic, a late model Pantera GT-S:



    I just love the edgy styling of both cars. I like that the Pantera has a 351 Cleveland and a (relatively) low entry price...both features that make them seem attractive to somebody like me that can't leave well enough alone under any hood...

  8. I have the guts from the one I broke. Do you need the whole thing, or did something break in it?

    It clunks during steady-state cruising, seems fine during acceleration. I haven't opened it up to see what exactly is wrong, mostly because it's a big PIA to do that, and I don't have a really good place to do it anymore. I figure if i'm going to go through all that trouble, I may as well just throw another one in it altogether. I actually need to upgrade my drivetrain from the flywheel back, I've got an NA flywheel, $20 NA clutch disc, and used NA pressure plate leading into a 5-speed that pops out of 5th under acceleration, and all that in addition to whatever is happening with my diff...

  9. Also I polished the overspray off the tailights a few weeks ago, but didn't think to take any pictures of that...ended up with a blister from that one...I guess she's getting her revenge from making her sit in a garage undriven for a full year while i got my degree...

  10. I felt bad for not having any updates last time somebody asked, so I went ahead and actually did some stuff to the car this weekend. It's been sitting with a dead Optima red-top in it for like three weeks now, so i took it and had it exchanged. While under the hood, I decided it was finally time to add my intercooler trim panel that i've been hiding in a closet. This was a factory trim item from the Sunny Pulsar GTi-R that the previous owner of the intercooler had ceramic coated to be a sort of polished aluminum look. It's been languishing in various drawers and closets for years now, and it's finally back out in the sunshine. The reason I didn't use it right off the bat was because the hole in the hood wasn't big enough to clear it, and i was too busy with school and other things to enlarge said orifice. Well, today was the day, and here was the result:






    I cut the crap out of my fingers during this operation, I guess the old girl's gone a few years without a good transfusion so she was about due for a drop or two of blood under the hood...

  11. You know what I watched recently? A girl I know somehow has a dvd with Captain Eo on it...I hadn't seen that since it was a ride at Epcot...I remember being so sure at the time that Michael Jackson's copilot was Sy Snootles of the Max Rebo Cantina band (pre-reissue, anyway), but on recent viewing i'm no longer convinced.



    Keep in mind this was originally shown in 3-D...and watching it now that is definitely not Sy Snootles from the Max Rebo band, just a very derivative alien design. Also, little piece of Star Wars trivia: the word "ewok" is never spoken in any of the original trilogy, and yet everybody knows what an ewok is...how's that for marketing?

  12. no, no real updates to speak of. I recently brought the car out of storage and I've been driving it a little bit. Oh, that's not true, I did get some black rubber floormats for it a weekend or two ago. Feel like kind of a letdown with no big news these days...

  13. I was, I ended up going a slightly different route after I got my Master's though. I'm now a producer at a small educational video game company in Orlando called 360ed. I do some low level art-related tasks like world building and so on as it becomes necessary, but I'm more of a game designer. Producer is kind of a nebulous job, it's sort of hard to describe. You pretty much find things that need doing, and get them done, whether that's figuring out who on the team will get the best results, or doing it yourself. It's definitely a rewarding career path though, way more exciting than working at the Saturn Dealership (the one i was at before I went back to school has since closed down). I've been doing some 3D modeling in Maya lately, as well as some digital painting in Photoshop CS3. Our company website and my personal portfolio are in my signature.


    digital painting:


    3D model (wip):


    and just some random drawings i've been doing while waiting for software to load at work (this can take some time depending on the size of the files):



  14. intercoolerphotoshoot2.jpg

    My lights are super dim. I converted them from the sealed beam to the 9004 halogens, and it really didn't do much. I'm not sure the problem isn't specific to my car (or rather, any car with aged wiring like mine), so I won't say they're across the board going to dim your lights. Mine are pretty much only good for being seen by other drivers, as opposed to actively lighting the way for me. As a result, if I do any driving at night I make sure it's only on roads with decent street lights.

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