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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. I actually just watched "Planet Terror" from the grindhouse double feature. That was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than it had any right to be...if you like campy horror movies, imagine what one would be like if it was directed by a real director (robert rodriguez) and had real actors in it (Bruce Willis, Rose McGowan, Michael Behn, Josh Brolin). I though it was pretty sweet, makes me want to go pick up Death Proof and check that out...

  2. 30 days of night? Decent movie... not as bad as veritech says in my opinion...

    My problem with it really stems from the fact that the vampires spend more time ripping out throats and getting bloody, and not enough time actually drinking blood! that is supposed to be the point of the killing for vampires (and yes, i realize the silliness of arguing for a realistic portrayal of a fictional construct like a vampire)...Rip your throat and spew blood everywhere vampires (blade, 30 days) are as bad as running zombies (automaton transfusion) for me. It's a personal preference, but i don't think it's too much to ask for a little consistency.

  3. i just got a part time job at block buster

    Do they still make you guys play "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" at meetings? I dated a girl that worked there once and that's a really fun game. I watch a ton of movies, but don't pay attention to the names of the character actors. Here's a trick: EVERYBODY was in Apollo 13, so if you've got a TON of options if you can get there.

  4. I feel your pain. We rented I Am Legend last night... intense movie but just didn't seem like the hype was worth it. Also rented Hitman to watch tonight, we will see how that goes.

    If anyone wants good movies... I recommend:

    Across the Universe

    The Departed

    The Condemmned

    Shoot Em up


    The Kingdom


    These are just some new movies I got in HD.. I am a big movie person.

    I am Legend was going along great (except for the extremely poor composite animations...seriously pre-gollum) until the end when it magically found religion out of nowhere. Reminded me of how they ended Signs. I recommend most of the movies on that list right there as well, The Departed is amazing, actually better than the Chinese movie it's a remake of (infernal affairs). I didn't see Shoot 'Em Up because i personally think Clive Owen is one of the worst actors of all time, nor have I seen the Condemned or Across the Universe, but I'd like to check them out.


    I Watched No Country for Old Men the other day, and that was really good, right up to the ending which was a spectacular WTF?! 30 Days of Night was a GIANT thumbs down in my opinion, the graphic novel was better, but that isn't to say it was awesome either...

  5. copied from www.imbd.com:

    Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape of Los Angeles on July 4, 2008, as it stands on the brink of social, economic and environmental disaster. Boxer Santaros is an action star who's stricken with amnesia. His life intertwines with Krysta Now, an adult film star developing her own reality television project, and Ronald Taverner, a Hermosa Beach police officer who holds the key to a vast conspiracy. Written by TheGuyInThePj's

    California is at the epicenter of a political and environmental disaster that threatens to destroy the world in this ambitious fusion of comedy, drama, dystopia science fiction, and music. In the year 2005, a nuclear attack wipes out part of the state of Texas, and three years later America is a virtual police state, with the government taking control of nearly every part of people's lives, supposedly for their own good. A German firm has found a way to generate energy using seawater, but both public and private concerns are desperate to prevent the new technology from being introduced in the gasoline-starved United States. A Marxist underground based on the West Coast is determined to bring down the federal government through violent revolution. In this midst of this chaos, we follow a number of stories that continually return to three principle characters. Boxer Santaros is an actor famous for his role in action films; he's trying to secure financing for a new project, but reality keeps mirroring the events in his script and he struggles to hold on to his identity following a bout with amnesia. Krysta Now is a porn star who is reinventing herself as a television pundit offering her views on politics, contemporary culture, and teenage sex. And Roland Taverner is an L.A. police officer whose identity has mysteriously split in two and he struggles to track down his other half. Written by The GuyInThePj's

  6. The AWD Acura RL's came factory with a CF driveshaft too. I wondered when i worked at the Acura dealership if it would be possible to mod it to work, but I don't know the first thing about what would happen to the structural integrity of the part so decided to pass on that plan.

  7. I drove an '06 solstice today on the way back from moving my Z, and it's SUPER small inside: my knees were all scrunched up even with the seat at full slide-back position. I'm like 6'2" or so, not excessively tall. I wonder if that's an artifact of the Solstice originally having been designed by a woman? Looks like this one at least will have room for ONE grocery bag, the original model has almost no storage space at all. There's a fire extinguisher sized space in the trunk, and a soup can sized glove box, and that's pretty much all you've got.

  8. I'm here during the week, then i go back to tampa usually on the weekends (or my wife comes here, we try to alternate). If anybody wants to get something going on, i'm usually game so long as i'm not super busy with school stuff.

  9. Yeah Orlando's pretty cool, though i haven't had time to do ANYTHING since i came here for grad school...I'd be down for hanging out, but my Z is in St. Pete for the duration. Good luck with the new job!

  10. dude tell me about it! i got raped when i was trying to find perceptor (one of my personal faves) with a working microscope.

    The guy i got Prime from had him, but he was missing his eyepiece dealy. guess that's the first thing to go...

  11. i was just at the orlando MegaCon, and Gen 1 transformer prices are now through the ROOF! Soundwave, minus one battery/bazooka with no cassettes was going for $185...I did pick up a beat up old Optimus Prime for $30. He's pretty well used though, so its really just to say i've got one...

  12. it says "ravage" in the brake light. Ravage was one of Soundwave's transforming cassette tapes in Transformers (generation 1). I'm pretty sure ravage was the wolf one... At least he got the logos right...


    Funny story on that note, back in MY honda days, i actually cut my own Autobot logos out of reflective white cop vinyl to replace the honda badges. I thought i was so clever until i found out about the Autobots car club out in California...this would have been back in like 99/00, somewhere in there.

  13. H22 is tough to fit into a CRX though from what i hear. I was going to put a B18B into mine (i believe that's the engine code for the 95 LS non-vtec, this was some years ago) and boost that, but the car suffered spectacular and catastrophic engine failure of its built 1.6 single cam, and i ended up unloading it. I had the engine and the turbo, but nothing else really. I bought my first 280z after that and haven't looked back.

  14. I like the unlockable video where Tom Morello (rage against the machine, audioslave) talks about how his kids can beat him on songs HE WROTE! Proves my theory that GH is more difficult than actually playing the real guitar (which i do, just not that much anymore). So far I've beaten GHIII on Easy and Medium with 5 stars on every song (though I had to call in my ringer to beat Slayer's Raining Blood, I could never do better than 4 stars no matter how hard i tried), then i lost interest when i went to hard. They should rename that mode to impossible and quit fooling themselves...

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