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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. I've decided to try my hand at a competition I found online as well. It's called dominance war, and it's held by a bunch of CG related forums. Basically they give you a theme, and a tech specification (maximum number of polygons, texture sizes in pixels, that kind of thing), and you build the most bad-ass model you can. At the end they judge it, and the winner gets a pretty awesome prize. There's a 2D and a 3D category, i'm entering into both.





    I haven't put as much effort into the 2D design yet, I don't think it will take as long as the 3D. I've got several other projects going alongside these, so i don't know how long it will be between updates on them...

  2. I just started learning Autodesk Maya2008 back in August for my Master's Program. It's pretty different than 2D drawing, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. My first few character models were pretty grim, but I think I've made some good progress since then. Most of my fellow students have used 3D software in undergrad, so I'm a little behind the curve in the program I'm in.


    Here's my first model ever, it was supposed to be a fishlady:



    this one was supposed to be Starman from the old Nintendo game Pro-Wrestling. It was also my first attempt at generating a "normal map", which for those that don't know is a texturing technology that allows you to fool your rendering software into thinking that your model has a lot more resolution than it does. It's what makes Gears of War (and pretty much every modern game actually) look so cool.




    I've done some environments, but i'm not particularly fond of them:



    and this was my most ambitious character to date. Some of you may remember the clockbot drawing that was in my "some art i've been working on" thread. for those that don't:




    So in case anyone was wondering "hey, i wonder what rock Veritech-Z's crawled under lately?", it's shaped like a Dell M90 laptop....

  3. I was particularly impressed with the level of synchronisation between the black skyline and the black turbo II RX-7 when they both spun out at exactly the same time, and corrected almost exactly the same way. That's something they don't teach you in the manga...On a side note the person in the white MR2 is a stud, those cars are tail happy in the dry and he was about the only one to not totally eat it on that corner.

  4. I started with a D80, and recently got to shoot some with someone else's D70. I found the trash can to be very counter intuitive, and was dismayed to find only 5 areas of focus, to the 11 that the D80 has. I guess it's just a learning curve issue. Also, when you want to cycle through the pictures on the D70 you press up and down, and on the D80 it's left and right. changes just for the sake of changing things...


    I was in NY, NY a few weekends back, these are with my D80. I got the 18-135 lens with mine, the 18-200 wasn't out when i got the camera. I've also got a 70-300 and a 10.5 fisheye:










  5. In my opinion, the reason exposed performance parts look cool is because they exemplify functionality. Like: "my car is SO functional, the body just can't contain it anymore" (as evidenced by my own intercooler: intercoolerphotoshoot3.jpg)

    and before anyone says: "but wait Veritech-z, that intercooler barely even works like that!" just remember that it isn't finished and will be ducted from the front eventually.


    Anyway, the point is that i would plan my turbo system first, get the intercooler that will maximize your goals in that regard, and let the style chips fall where they may.

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