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Everything posted by SoCal-s130

  1. Wow... I can't believe you got that tattoo'd on yourself.
  2. Sadly this happened to a buddy of ours today. Was heart broken when I showed up to his house seeing this sit out in the street.... http://www.violentrunning.squidd.org/news/2009/07/goodnight-sleep-tight/
  3. Yeah that's them. I am trying to find some 18x12s so I can throw the ones I have in the front. I meant to throw them on my Z before I sold them but never got a chance too.
  4. Well I was planning on slamming the car. So stretch was entirely necessary to fit under the fender.
  5. This is probably the best picture of the stretch I have.
  6. They are 15x10 -45s. With a 195/60 on it. ha. Eagle Alloy wheels.
  7. Yup he's right. But as soon as I get this pos running again its going to happen.
  8. I need a motor so I can drive around and piss people like you guys off with my tires that don't fit. ye.
  9. Yeah they are. You have to do minor cutting to them to fit snug.
  10. Damn some of you are fluckin whiners. Get over it I enjoy stretched tires.
  11. Don't loose hope man. Everyone is always hyping up first gens. Bring love to the ZX's At least that's what I'm doing. Here are a couple pics that hopefully will keep you going. Mine.
  12. Awesome!!! Finally a cool 280zx build. Cant wait to see how this comes out.
  13. You guys are pretty funny. Theres a point for stretching. It's to fit wheels that aren't supposed under a stock body car. I have seen many people (I included) doing track events with stretched tires and have never seen a "dangerous" tire be dangerous....
  14. To each their own.. ahaha curb feelers? Those are zip ties holding the kit on. I had wayyyyyyy more stretch on the old wheels I had. Some of you might love this.. Good day.
  15. Yeah thats my daily/tracker s13 Tried running aero but car is way too low to daily with it.
  16. Aha they use a cheetah. A stretchers best friend ;]. I've seen way more stretch then this.
  17. Here's my new wheels. 195/60/15 on a 15x10 -44 The original plan was to use it as spares on my other car but that failed... So decided to just throw them on the Z. What I was trying to fit them on: On the Z: Need some coilovers for the Z
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