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Everything posted by SoCal-s130

  1. Just wait a little bit. It's being optimized because it was just uploaded.
  2. My speedometer is 5mph ahead and I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this?
  3. Yeah I have been watching it for the last couple nights. I have to admit it is pretty cool..
  4. jp 280 i'm not in a big rush. I think your off the hook since Tony D lives really close to me.
  5. Anything will help right about now. So if you can I would definitely appreciate it.
  6. I was wondering if anyone had the dimensions of where to mount fender mirrors on a 280zx?
  7. That looks real good! Looks like you've been doing some drifting after seeing those back tires.
  8. Beginning of "Lords of Dogtown" when they are skating through traffic they go passed a s30.
  9. I think I may have an idea. They are probably pulling up each strap from above.
  10. Well I purchased some racing seats and the "universal" brackets are totally out of the question. I was wondering if anyone has done after market seats in an s130 and what did you have to do? Please help! Thank you.
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