Just a diferent idea on my guages I dissasembled the factory guages and used the original bezels. I super glued the small ones back to their original locations (note use professional grade superglue!). This allows you to insert the guage from the front and use the included hardware from the back. This way they are adjustible & removeable if necessary. I also install mechanical guages but utilized the factory plugs to wire up the guages(remove the end off the factory guage leaving as much wire as possible, use solder & heatshrink on all conections to minimize problems later). This way if I do need to remove one I just un plug the guage from the factory harness. The spedo & tach bezels needed modification to fit the Autometer Guages. This can only be done by removing the dash, this is not as difficult as it seems. Plan on spending a good weekend to finish this task. I have had mine in for over a year now with no problems. I will post photos next time I have the dash out. I used the Phantom Guages which look very trick with the white background and the red pointers.RICK